Most mRNAs translationally up-regulated in the scd6Δedc3Δ mutant are also translationally derepressed by dhh1Δ or pat1Δ.
(A) Venn diagram of overlap between all 212 mRNAs translationally derepressed by scd6Δ, edc3Δ, or scd6Δedc3Δ (defined in Fig. 4A) or all 274 mRNAs translationally derepressed by dhh1Δ, pat1Δ, or pat1Δdhh1Δ vs. WT identified previously (Vijjamarri et al. 2023a). (B) Notched box-plots of log2ΔTE values between the indicated mutants vs. WT for the mRNAs belonging to the specified sectors of the diagram in (A). (C) Hierarchical clustering analysis of log2ΔTE values conferred by the indicated mutations vs. WT for 222 of the 336 mRNAs translationally up- or down-regulated in scd6Δedc3Δ vs. WT cells for which RNA-Seq and Ribo-Seq data were obtained in all five strains and with log2ΔTE values >-5 and <5 conducted as in Fig. 2C, including the Spearman coefficients (ρ) and P values for the indicated correlations. (D) Notched box-plots of log2ΔTE values between the indicated mutants vs. WT for the 54 mRNAs showing >2-fold TE increases conferred by both scd6Δedc3Δ and pat1Δdhh1Δ mutations vs. WT. (E) Relative Dhh1 occupancies from the Dhh1 RIP-seq experiments of Miller et al (2018) for the 212 and 274 mRNAs identified as TE_up in the scd6Δ, edc3Δ, or scd6Δedc3Δ mutants, or the dhh1Δ, pat1Δ, or pat1Δdhh1Δ mutants, vs. WT, respectively (cols 1-2), or for the 591 and 1018 mRNAs identified as mRNA_up in either the scd6Δ, edc3Δ, or scd6Δedc3Δ mutants, or the dhh1Δ, pat1Δ, or pat1Δdhh1Δ mutants, vs. WT, respectively (cols. 3-4).