Time-resolved analysis of scRNA-seq of hGxs captures successive waves of hematopoietic specification.
(A) UMAP projection of all sequenced cells colored by annotated clusters (left), by sorting markers C-Kit/ScaI, CD41, and CD45, or unfractionated cells (‘whole’ corresponding to ‘all’ in panel A) (center), and by hGx culture time (right). (B) Heatmap representation of the expression of endothelial and hematopoietic marker genes in individual hGx C-Kit+ cells sorted at 144 and 192h. Cells and genes ordered by unsupervised hierarchical clustering; cell cluster dendrogram in Fig. S2E. (C) Heatmap representation of the expression of endothelial and hematopoietic marker genes in individual hGx CD41+ and CD45+ cells sorted at 144 and 192/216h, respectively. Cells and genes ordered by unsupervised hierarchical clustering; cell cluster dendrogram in Fig. S2F. (D) Summary representation of the proportion of hGx cells expressing endothelial (endo), erythroid/myeloid (Ery+My), myeloid/lymphoid (My+Ly) and HSPC gene signatures. Endo: Kdr; Ery+My: Epor±Gata1±Klf1±Hbb±Hba±Hbg + Spi1±Mpo±Anpep±Csf1/2/3r); My+Ly: Spi1±Csf1/2a/3r + Ikzf1±Ighm/d±Igk); HSPC: Ptprc + Myb). (E-G) Cell type-associations of selected surface markers and transcription factors affiliated with the HE-to-hematopoietic transition (CD44, Procr, Etv6, Gata2, Notch1, Tal1) and with hematopoietic (Gfi1b, Mllt3, Runx1) and definitive hematopoietic (Ikzf1, Hlf, Hoxa9, Myb) gene expression programs with (E) C-Kit+ (endo-haem) and CD41+/CD45+ (haem), (F) endo-haem cells obtained at 144h or 192h, and (G) CD41+ or CD45+ cells. Gene expression analysed as present (non-zero expression) or absent (zero-expression). Odds ratio with significance (-log10p<1) estimated by Fisher’s test.