Cell-to-cell HIV infection induces CARD8-dependent activation in monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs).
(A) MDMs were cocultured with SUPT1 cells expressing CCR5 (SUPT1-CCR5) that were mock-, HIV-1LAI- or HIV-1NL4.3-BaL-infected then assayed for inflammasome activation 48 hours post-coculture for IL-1β secretion. Fifteen minutes before starting the coculture, SUPT1-CCR5 cells infected with HIV-1NL4.3-BaL were pre-treated with either DMSO, lopinavir (5μM), nevirapine (50μM), MCC950 (10μM ) or VX765 (1μg/mL), inhibiting HIV-1 protease (HIVPR), HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (HIVRT), NLRP3, or caspase 1 (CASP1), respectively. SUPT1-CCR5 cells were infected with HIV-1LAI and HIV-1NL4.3-BaL such that 2% and 7% of cells, respectively, were positive for intracellular p24gag after 24 hours. (B) MDMs from 3 independent healthy donors were knocked out (KO) for either AAVS1 or CARD8 using a Synthego gene KO kit and were immunoblotted using an anti-CARD8 antibody or anti-vinculin. Full-length and FIIND-processed CARD8 intermediates are marked with a purple arrow. Table between CARD8 and vinculin blot shows Synthego gene KO% scores for each donor KO line. (C) AAVS1 and CARD8 KO MDM lines were primed with Pam3CSK4 (500ng/mL) overnight and then treated with ValboroPro (VbP) for 24 hours before assessing for IL-1β secretion. (D) AAVS1 and CARD8 KO MDM lines were cocultured with SUPT1-CCR5 cells mock-, or HIV-1NL4.3-BaL-infected then assayed for inflammasome activation 48 hours post-coculture for IL-1β secretion. Dotted line indicates limit of detection (LoD). Datasets represent mean ± SD (A: n=3 independent donors, C-D: n=3 technical replicates per donor). (A) One-way or (D) two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test (using GraphPad Prism 10. ns = not significant, *p<0.05,**p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.