Model networks are more sensitive to changes in intrinsic conductances
(A) Average sensitivity curves across models. The plots show the average percentage of pyloric models for each value of δ (intrinsic curves show in blue, synaptic in red). (B) Example sigmoidal fits for one set of intrinsic and synaptic sensitivity curves. (C) Distributions of midpoint parameters for all fits of the sensitivity curves (intrinsic in blue, synaptic in red, 20 bins). (D) Distributions of width parameters for all fits of the sensitivity curves (intrinsic in blue, synaptic in red, 20 bins). (E) Distributions of the areas under the curves (intrinsic in blue, synaptic in red, 20 bins). (F) Distribution of eigenvalues for the first PCA component (97.6%) (intrinsic in blue, synaptic in red, 20 bins).