Analysis of Quick irCLIP of eIF3 to RNAs in undifferentiated and differentiated neural progenitor cells.
A) Structure of the human eIF3 complex as part of the 48S initiation complex. PDB: 6ZMW (Brito Querido et al., 2020). B) Generation of NPCs from hPSCs by embryoid body (EB) and neural rosette selections. C) Western blots of neural markers Pax6 and Sox1 and pluripotent marker Oct4 from hPSCs and hPSC-derived NPCs (NPCs corresponding to passages 1, 2 and 7 are shown). D) Western blots of puromycin-treated (15 min) NPCs. Total protein stain is shown as loading control. Differentiated NPCs were treated with forebrain neuron differentiation medium for the indicated time points. Undifferentiated NPCs were treated with NPC medium for the indicated time points. The ratios of puromycin signal to total protein levels can be found in Figure 1–figure supplement 1A. E) Schematic of Quick-irCLIP. F) Schematic of the NPC treatment performed in the Quick-irCLIP, APA-Seq, Ribosome profiling, and mRNA-Seq experiments. Treatment consisted of change of media and incubation at 37 °C for 2 hrs. Differentiation media was used for differentiated (Diff.) NPCs and Basal media for undifferentiated (Undiff.) NPCs. G) Immunoprecipitation samples of assembled eIF3 complexes from undifferentiated NPCs. 5% inputs (In), flowthroughs (Ft), and eluates (Elu) are shown. Western blot for subunit EIF3G is not shown because we could not identify an effective antibody for its detection. EIF3J, not shown, is usually dissociated from the eIF3 complex upon immunoprecipitation. However, we detected EIF3G by mass spectrometry in the IPs (Supplementary file 1). H) Infrared (IR) image of IR dye-labeled, eIF3 UV-crosslinked RNA transcripts from Diff. and Undiff. NPCs. Regions marked with red boxes, which correspond to subunits EIF3A through EIF3D, were excised from the blot. I) Biological Function enrichment determined using the STRING database for the undifferentiated NPC biological replicates of the EIF3A/B/C/D Quick-irCLIP libraries, using the top 500 mRNA hits from the crosslinking analysis. J) Categories of RNAs crosslinked to eIF3 in undifferentiated and differentiated NPCs, for 3 replicates plotted in log-scale with standard deviation error bars. K) mRNA regions that crosslink to eIF3 in undifferentiated and differentiated NPCs. L) Crosslinking of eIF3 across the transcripts of NES and VIM mRNAs in differentiated and undifferentiated NPCs. Read coverage is provided in Counts Per Million (CPM).