CMK-1 works in AFD and ASER to control thermo-nociceptive habituation
A-B. Determination of the CMK-1 place of action in the control of thermo-nociceptive habituation, using cell-specific rescue in cmk-1(ok287) (cmk-1(lf)) background. Heat-evoked response in naïve animals (T0) and after 60 min of repeated stimulations (T60), scored and reported as in Fig. 2. The promoters used to restore CMK-1 expression are indicated below each bar. **, p<.01 and *, p<.05 versus cmk-1(lf) by Bonferroni-Holm post-hocs tests. ns, not significant. ##, p<.01 for the specific contrast between ttx-1p and the gcy-5p;ttx-1p combination. N2(WT) data are shown for comparison purpose. C. Impact of genetic manipulation ablating AFD with a caspase construct (AFD(-)) or inhibiting AFD neurotransmission with TeTx heterologous expression. **, p<.01 and *, p<.05 versus N2(WT) control by Bonferroni-Holm post-hocs tests D. Schematic of the hypothetical circuit controlling noxious-heat evoked reversals, including the tax-4-expressing thermo-responsive sensory neurons AFD, AWC, ASER and ASI, the mec-3-expressing FLP thermo-nociceptor, and a subset of downstream interneurons known to mediate reversal response, including the glr-1-expressing RIM, AVA, AVD, and AVE interneurons. The main loci of action of CMK-1 determined through the cell-specific rescue approach are highlighted in blue.