Kinetics of fragmentation of Microcystis strain V163 colonies under cone-and-plate shear flow. The laboratory culture was filtered to select mainly large colonies, and the total biovolume fraction was adjusted to ϕ = 10−4. Suspensions were subjected to an intense dissipation rate () in panels A-E. (A) The initial size distribution of colonies, expressed as biovolume fraction of the relative colony diameter (normalized by single cell diameter). The size distribution had a bimodal shape, with large colonies (in yellow) and small colonies (in green, composed mostly of single cells, dimers, and some trimers, as depicted by the inset). (B) Median diameter of small and large colonies as a function of time. Bars indicate limits of 25th and 75th percentiles. (C) Most large colonies have been fragmented after 1 hour of shear flow, but the bimodal shape remained. (D) The size distribution shifted from large to small colonies as the shear flow induced fragmentation. (E) The rate of change in biovolume distribution at t = 0h. Negative values indicate loss of colonies by fragmentation, while positive values indicate newly created fragments. The distribution suggests an erosion mechanism, as depicted by the cartoon inside the plot. (F) Fragmentation frequency as a function of the relative diameter of colonies for three values of dissipation rate. The inset shows details for the low dissipation rates. Error bars indicate the standard deviation. Dashed lines and shaded regions in panels B-D indicate predictions from the population model given by Eq. (1), and the lines in panel F indicate the predictions by Eq. (4). Best fit parameters: α1 = 0.023, S1 = 0.034 , q1 = 4.5, S2 = 31 , q2 = 4.1.