Phospho-dead OSM-3 behaves constitutively active in vitro while Phospho-mimic OSM-3 stays autoinhibited.
(A) Representative kymographs of the single-molecular movements of WT OSM-3 and mutants as indicated. G444E, the constitutively active positive control. Scale bars, vertical, 10s; horizontal, 5μm. (B) Velocity distributions of the single-molecular assays. n, total evens measured. v, μm·S-1, average velocity with standard deviation. The distribution of G444E was fitted with a Gaussian distribution curve while the distribution of PD was fitted with a one-phase decay curve. (C) Run length distributions of the single-molecular assays. n, total evens measured. l, μm, average run length. The curves were fitted with the Gaussian distribution. (D) Velocity distributions of microtubule gliding assays of the indicated OSM-3 constructs. n, total evens measured. v, μm·S-1, average velocity with standard deviation. (E) Statistics of microtubule gliding velocities shown in (D). (F) Microtubule stimulated ATPase activity of WT OSM-3 and mutants. KHC, kinesin heavy chain. Average activity of KHC was set to 100% and others was normalized to KHC. (G) Summary of the single-molecular assay and the microtubule gliding assay. R.D., rarely detected. N.A., not available. Data are [mean ± SD (number of events)]. *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01, ****, p < 0.0001, analyzed by one way ANOVA, p values were adjusted by BH method.