De novo β-alanine synthesis is critical for Salmonella replication inside macrophages.
(A) Scheme of β-alanine and the downstream CoA biosynthesis pathway in Salmonella. (B) qRT‒PCR analysis of the expression of the Salmonella panD gene in RAW264.7 cells (8 h postinfection) and RPMI-1640 medium. (C) qRT‒ PCR analysis of the expression of the Salmonella panD gene in N-minimal medium and LB medium. (D) Expression of the panD-lux transcriptional fusion in N-minimal medium and LB medium. Luminescence values were normalized to 105 bacterial CFUs. (E) Relative fold replication of Salmonella WT, the panD mutant (ΔpanD) and the complemented strain (cpanD) in RAW264.7 cells. (F) Number of intracellular Salmonella WT, ΔpanD, and cpanD strains per RAW264.7 cell at 2 and 20 h postinfection. The number of intracellular bacteria per infected cell was estimated in random fields, n = 80 cells per group from 3 independent experiments. (G) Representative immunofluorescence images of Salmonella WT, ΔpanD, and cpanD in RAW264.7 cells at 20 h postinfection (green, Salmonella; blue, nuclei; scale bars, 50 µm). Images are representative of three independent experiments. (H) Replication of Salmonella WT and ΔpanD in RAW264.7 cells in the presence or absence of 1 mM β-alanine. The data are presented as the mean ± SD, n = 3 (B–D) or n =4 (E, H) independent experiments. Statistical significance was assessed using two-sided Student’s t-test (B-D) or one-way ANOVA (E, F, H). ns, not Significant.