Top2b reduction mitigates the characteristics and pathologies associated with aging in multiple mouse tissues
Histology of various tissues of 23-month-old mice in the gLacZ control group and gTop2 group is analyzed (A-L).
(A) The longitudinal sections of the kidney tissues of were stained with HE. The right panels show a magnified view of the boxed area in the left panels. Scale bars represent 200 μm and 30 μm for the left and right panels.
(B) Average glomerular atrophy.
(C) The transverse sections of mouse skeletal muscle were stained with HE. The right panels show a magnified view of the boxed area in the left panels. Scale bars represent 200 μm for the left panels and 60 μm for the right panels.
(D) Average cross-sectional area of myofibers.
(E) Mouse liver tissues were stained with HE. The right panels show a magnified view of the boxed area in the left panels. Scale bars represent 60 μm for the left panels and 30 μm for the right panels. The yellow circles highlight the hepatic lobule. The red circles indicate anisokaryosis.
(F) Average anisokaryosis.
(G) Mouse lung tissues were stained with HE. The right panels show a magnified view of the boxed area in the left panels. Scale bars represent 200 μm for the left panels and 30 μm for the right panels.
(H) Average thickness of alveolar septa.
(I) Mouse skin tissues were stained with HE. The right panels show a magnified view of the boxed area in the left panels. Scale bars represent 200 μm for the left panels and 60 μm for the right panels.
(J) Average hair follicle density, average dermis layer thickness, and average epidermis layer thickness in mouse skin.
(K) The short axes of cardiac tissues from mice were stained with HE in the left ventricular wall regions. The right panels show a magnified view of the squared area in the left panels. Scale bars represent 600 μm and 30 μm for the left and right panels.
(L) The number of nuclei in each region of the left ventricular wall.
(M) Representative images of SA-β-Gal staining of various tissues from young (2m old), middle age (10m old), old (23m old) gLacZ control, and old (23m old) gTop2b groups.
(N) quantitation of percent of SA-β-Gal positive cells in various tissues.
Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism v8.0 software ( Data were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05 calculated by using Student’s t-test (B, D, F, H, J, and L) or one-way ANOVA (N). All values are means ± SEM. The corresponding n values (number of mice) are shown within each sub-plot.