Wnt induces ZNRF3/RNF43-dependent FZD5/8 endocytosis and degradation.
(A) Wnt3a or Wnt5a induced the degradation of endogenous FZD5. HEK293A cells with a V5 epitope tag knocked in at the C-terminus of endogenous FZD5 (FZD5KI) were treated with Wnt3a or Wnt5a CM for the indicated durations, and the WCLs were analyzed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. Wild-type (WT) cells served as a negative control to confirm the specificity of the FZD5KI bands. The upper bands represent mature FZD5, whereas the lower bands represent immature FZD5.
(B) Wnt3a or Wnt5a induced the degradation of endogenous FZD5 but not FZD7. FZD5KI or FZD7KI (generated as described for FZD5KI) HEK293A cells were treated with control, Wnt3a CM or Wnt5a CM for 2 hours, and the WCLs were subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies.
(C) The Porcupine inhibitor IWP-2 increased the level of the endogenous mature form of FZD5 but not FZD7. FZD5KI or FZD7KI cells were treated overnight with or without IWP-2 (2.5 μM), and the WCLs were subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies.
(D and E) IWP-2 increased the cell surface levels of endogenous FZD5/8 but not FZD4. HEK293A WT cells were treated with or without IWP-2 and analyzed by flow cytometry to determine the FZD5/8 and FZD4 levels on the cell surface with anti-FZD5/8 (2919) or anti-FZD4 (5028) monoclonal antibodies. APC, allophycocyanin.
(F and G) ZNRF3/RNF43 double knockout increased the cell surface levels of endogenous FZD5/8 but not FZD4. The cell surface levels of FZD5/8 and FZD4 in WT or ZRDKO cells were analyzed by flow cytometry.
(H) Wnt-induced FZD5 degradation is dependent on endogenous ZNRF3 and RNF43. WT, FZD5KI, or ZRDKO-FZD5KI (ZNRF3/RNF43 double knockout cells with a V5 tag knocked in at the C-terminus of endogenous FZD5) cells were treated and analyzed as described in (B).
(I) IWP-2 did not increase the endogenous FZD5 protein level in ZRDKO cells.
(J) RSPO1 failed to increase the level of the mature form of FZD5 in ZRDKO cells. FZD5KI and ZRDKO-FZD5KI cells were treated with control or RSPO1 CM for 4 hours, and the WCLs were analyzed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies.
(K) RSPO1 treatment increased the level of the mature form of endogenous FZD5 but not FZD7. FZD5KI or FZD7KI cells were treated and tested as described in (J).
(L) IWP-2 and RSPO1 treatments similarly increased the FZD5/8 levels on the cell surface. WT cells were treated with IWP-2 overnight or RSPO1 for 4 hours, followed by flow cytometry analysis.
(M and N) RSPO1 treatment did not increase the cell surface levels of FZD5/8 in ZRDKO cells or FZD4 in WT cells. ZRDKO or WT cells were treated with control or RSPO1 CM for 4 hours and subjected to flow cytometry analysis with anti-FZD5/8 or anti-FZD4 monoclonal antibodies.