Validation of modulators of TDP-43 levels in iPSC-derived neurons.
A) Schematic of hit validation. As a first validation, Halo-TDP-43 iPSCs were transduced with single sgRNAs against hit genes and Halo levels were analyzed by microscopy, generating a list of Halo-validated hits. Then some genes were selected from the Halo-validated hits and untagged iPSCs were transduced with the same virus and TDP-43 protein levels assessed via TDP-43 immunofluorescence microscopy, identifying hits not affected by a HaloTag.
B) Representative images of Halo-TDP-43 live cell imaging with BORCS6 KD. sgRNA plasmids contain a cytoplasmic BFP, enabling identification of cells expressing the sgRNA. For BORC genes, iPSCs were transduced with a lysosome marker (LAMP1-mApple) to ensure functional BORC KD through depletion of neuritic lysosomes. Scale bar represents 20 µm.
C) Quantification of BORC KD Halo-TDP-43 microscopy. All BORC genes tested (S1-S8) showed statistically significant decreases in Halo-TDP-43 levels compared to a non-targeting (NT) guide, indicated by blue dots. N=12 wells per genotype, 9 images per well (small gray dots). Significant p-values indicated on graph.
D) (D-G) Summary graphs of screen, Halo live cell imaging, and TDP-43 immunofluorescence imaging fold changes for D) BORC KD,
E) E) Ubiquitin-associated gene KD,
F) F) m6A-associated gene KD, and
G) G) mitochondria gene KDs. Color indicates strength of log2FoldChange for each condition, circle size indicates -log10p-value; values below 1.3 are not significant, corresponding to a p-value of 0.05. No circle indicates the gene was not tested in that experiment (i.e., not all genes were tested by immunofluorescence).