DRG axons display asymmetric microtubule polymerization, attenuated by a conditioning lesion.
(A) In vitro pseudo-unipolar DRG neuron transduced with a Tom20-GFP lentivirus, labelling mitochondria. Scale bar, 5 µm. (B) Quantification of the anterograde mitochondria flux (n=4 independent experiments, 5 DRGs/experiment; paired t-test, *p=0.0143). (C) EB3-GFP comet density in in vitro DRG axons (n= 6-7 independent experiments, 5-10 neurons/experiment; paired t-test in bipolar axons, **p=0.0038; RM one-way ANOVA in pseudo-unipolar axons, stem-central *p=0.0221, peripheral-central *p=0.0171. (D) Kymographs of in vitro pseudo-unipolar DRG axons. (E) EB3-GFP comet velocity in in vitro pseudo-unipolar DRG axons (n= 6 independent experiments, 5-10 neurons/experiment; RM one-way ANOVA, stem-central *p=0.0443, peripheral-central *p=0.0183). (F) Representation of naive DRG neurons connected to the peripheral nerve (containing peripheral axons) and dorsal root (containing central axons). The dashed squares indicates the imaging locations. (G) Live imaging of DRG axons from Thy1-EB3-eGFP mice. Scale bar, 5 µm. (H) EB3-eGFP comet density in DRG axons (n=12-17 animals, 4 axons/animal; unpaired t-test, **p=0.0071). (I) High magnification electron microscopy images within individual DRG axons, depicting axonal microtubules (red arrowheads). Scale bar, 100 nm. (J) Total density of microtubules in DRG axons (n= 8 animals, 5-10 axons/animal; paired t-test, p=0.2299). (K) EB3-eGFP comet velocity in DRG axons (n= 11-15 animals, 4 axons/animal; unpaired t-test, *p=0.0129). (L) Representation of a sciatic nerve injury to DRG neurons (conditioning lesion). The dashed square indicates the imaging location, while the dashed line and scissor marks the lesion site. (M) EB3-GFP comet density in DRG explants from naive mice (n= 12-17 animals; 3-6 axons/animal, **p=0.0037) and mice with a peripheral conditioning lesion (CL) (n=9-10 animals, 3-5 axons/animal, p=0.1423). Two-way ANOVA; peripheral naive-peripheral CL, *p=0.0276; central naive-central CL, **p=0.0026. (N) Total density of axonal microtubules in DRG peripheral and central axons after peripheral CL (n= 8 animals, 5 axons/animal; paired t-test, p=0.4624). (O) EB3-GFP comet velocity in DRG explants from naive mice (n=11-15 animals, 3-6 axons/animal, **p=0.0048) and mice with peripheral CL (n=8-9 animals, 3-5 axons/animal, **p=0.0035). Two-way ANOVA, peripheral naive-peripheral CL, ***p=0.0003; central naive-central CL, **p=0.0038. Data are represented as mean ± SEM.
Figure 3 – video 1. Mitochondria transport in in vitro DRG neurons.
Figure 3 – video 2. Microtubule dynamics in in vitro DRG neurons.
Figure 3 – video 3. Microtubule dynamics in in vivo DRG neurons.