Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorRichard NaudUniversity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
- Senior EditorPanayiota PoiraziFORTH Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Heraklion, Greece
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Can a plastic RNN serve as a basis function for learning to estimate value. In previous work this was shown to be the case, with a similar architecture to that proposed here. The learning rule in previous work was back-prop with an objective function that was the TD error function (delta) squared. Such a learning rule is non-local as the changes in weights within the RNN, and from inputs to the RNN depends on the weights from the RNN to the output, which estimates value. This is non-local, and in addition, these weights themselves change over learning. The main idea in this paper is to examine if replacing the values of these non-local changing weights, used for credit assignment, with random fixed weights can still produce similar results to those obtained with complete bp. This random feedback approach is motivated by a similar approach used for deep feed-forward neural networks.
This work shows that this random feedback in credit assignment performs well but is not as well as the precise gradient-based approach. When more constraints due to biological plausibility are imposed performance degrades. These results are not surprising given previous results on random feedback. This work is incomplete because the delay times used were only a few time steps, and it is not clear how well random feedback would operate with longer delays. Additionally, the examples simulated with a single cue and a single reward are overly simplistic and the field should move beyond these exceptionally simple examples.
• The authors show that random feedback can approximate well a model trained with detailed credit assignment.
• The authors simulate several experiments including some with probabilistic reward schedules and show results similar to those obtained with detailed credit assignments as well as in experiments.
• The paper examines the impact of more biologically realistic learning rules and the results are still quite similar to the detailed back-prop model.
• The authors also show that an untrained RNN does not perform as well as the trained RNN. However, they never explain what they mean by an untrained RNN. It should be clearly explained. These results are actually surprising. An untrained RNN with enough units and sufficiently large variance of recurrent weights can have a high-dimensionality and generate a complete or nearly complete basis, though not orthonormal (e.g: Rajan&Abbott 2006). It should be possible to use such a basis to learn this simple classical conditioning paradigm. It would be useful to measure the dimensionality of network dynamics, in both trained and untrained RNN's.
• The impact of the article is limited by using a network with discrete time-steps, and only a small number of time steps from stimulus to reward. What is the length of each time step? If it's on the order of the membrane time constant, then a few time steps are only tens of ms. In the classical conditioning experiments typical delays are of the order to hundreds of milliseconds to seconds. Authors should test if random feedback weights work as well for larger time spans. This can be done by simply using a much larger number of time steps.
• In the section with more biologically constrained learning rules, while the output weights are restricted to only be positive (as well as the random feedback weights), the recurrent weights and weights from input to RNN are still bi-polar and can change signs during learning. Why is the constraint imposed only on the output weights? It seems reasonable that the whole setup will fail if the recurrent weights were only positive as in such a case most neurons will have very similar dynamics, and the network dimensionality would be very low. However, it is possible that only negative weights might work. It is unclear to me how to justify that bipolar weights that change sign are appropriate for the recurrent connections and inappropriate for the output connections. On the other hand, an RNN with excitatory and inhibitory neurons in which weight signs do not change could possibly work.
• Like most papers in the field this work assumes a world composed of a single cue. In the real world there many more cues than rewards, some cues are not associated with any rewards, and some are associated with other rewards or even punishments. In the simplest case, it would be useful to show that this network could actually work if there are additional distractor cues that appear at random either before the CS, or between the CS and US. There are good reasons to believe such distractor cues will be fatal for an untrained RNN, but might work with a trained RNN, either using BPPT or random feedback. Although this assumption is a common flaw in most work in the field, we should no longer ignore these slightly more realistic scenarios.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Tsurumi et al. show that recurrent neural networks can learn state and value representations in simple reinforcement learning tasks when trained with random feedback weights. The traditional method of learning for recurrent network in such tasks (backpropagation through time) requires feedback weights which are a transposed copy of the feed-forward weights, a biologically implausible assumption. This manuscript builds on previous work regarding "random feedback alignment" and "value-RNNs", and extends them to a reinforcement learning context. The authors also demonstrate that certain non-negative constraints can enforce a "loose alignment" of feedback weights. The author's results suggest that random feedback may be a powerful tool of learning in biological networks, even in reinforcement learning tasks.
The authors describe well the issues regarding biologically plausible learning in recurrent networks and in reinforcement learning tasks. They take care to propose networks which might be implemented in biological systems and compare their proposed learning rules to those already existing in literature. Further, they use small networks on relatively simple tasks, which allows for easier intuition into the learning dynamics.
The principles discovered by the authors in these smaller networks are not applied to deeper networks or more complicated tasks, so it remains unclear to what degree these methods can scale up, or can be used more generally.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The paper studies learning rules in a simple sigmoidal recurrent neural network setting. The recurrent network has a single layer of 10 to 40 units. It is first confirmed that feedback alignment (FA) can learn a value function in this setting. Then so-called bio-plausible constraints are added: (1) when value weights (readout) is non-negative, (2) when the activity is non-negative (normal sigmoid rather than downscaled between -0.5 and 0.5), (3) when the feedback weights are non-negative, (4) when the learning rule is revised to be monotic: the weights are not downregulated. In the simple task considered all four biological features do not appear to impair totally the learning.
(1) The learning rules are implemented in a low-level fashion of the form: (pre-synaptic-activity) x (post-synaptic-activity) x feedback x RPE. Which is therefore interpretable in terms of measurable quantities in the wet-lab.
(2) I find that non-negative FA (FA with non negative c and w) is the most valuable theoretical insight of this paper: I understand why the alignment between w and c is automatically better at initialization.
(3) The task choice is relevant since it connects with experimental settings of reward conditioning with possible plasticity measurements.
(4) The task is rather easy, so it's not clear that it really captures the computational gap that exists with FA (gradient-like learning) and simpler learning rule like a delta rule: RPE x (pre-synpatic) x (post-synaptic). To control if the task is not too trivial, I suggest adding a control where the vector c is constant c_i=1.
(5) Related to point 3), the main strength of this paper is to draw potential connection with experimental data. It would be good to highlight more concretely the prediction of the theory for experimental findings. (Ideally, what should be observed with non-negative FA that is not expected with FA or a delta rule (constant global feedback) ?).
(6a) Random feedback with RNN in RL have been studied in the past, so it is maybe worth giving some insights how the results and the analyzes compare to this previous line of work (for instance in this paper [1]). For instance, I am not very surprised that FA also works for value prediction with TD error. It is also expected from the literature that the RL + RNN + FA setting would scale to tasks that are more complex than the conditioning problem proposed here, so is there a more specific take-home message about non-negative FA? or benefits from this simpler toy task?
(6b) Related to task complexity, it is not clear to me if non-negative value and feedback weights would generally scale to harder tasks. If the task in so simple that a global RPE signal is sufficient to learn (see 4 and 5), then it could be good to extend the task to find a substantial gap between: global RPE, non-negative FA, FA, BP. For a well chosen task, I expect to see a performance gap between any pair of these four learning rules. In the context of the present paper, this would be particularly interesting to study the failure mode of non-negative FA and the cases where it does perform as well as FA.
(7) I find that the writing could be improved, it mostly feels more technical and difficult than it should. Here are some recommendations:
(7a) for instance the technical description of the task (CSC) is not fully described and requires background knowledge from other paper which is not desirable.
(7b) Also the rationale for the added difficulty with the stochastic reward and new state is not well explained.
(7c) In the technical description of the results I find that the text dives into descriptive comments of the figures but high-level take home messages would be helpful to guide the reader. I got a bit lost, although I feel that there is probably a lot of depth in these paragraphs.
(8) Related to the writing issue and 5), I wished that "bio-plausibility" was not the only reason to study positive feedback and value weights. Is it possible to develop a bit more specifically what and why this positivity is interesting? Is there an expected finding with non-negative FA both in the model capability? or maybe there is a simpler and crisp take-home message to communicate the experimental predictions to the community would be useful?