Rapid rebalancing of co-tuned ensemble activity in the auditory cortex

  1. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States
  2. Kavli Neuroscience Discovery Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Brice Bathellier
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
  • Senior Editor
    Andrew King
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


Kang et al. provide the first experimental insights from holographic stimulation of auditory cortex. Using stimulation of functionally-defined ensembles, they test whether overactivation of a specific subpopulation biases simultaneous and subsequent sensory-evoked network activations.


The investigators use a novel technique to investigate the sensory response properties in functionally defined cell assemblies in auditory cortex. These data provide the first evidence of how acutely perturbing specific frequency-tuned neurons impacts the tuning across a broader population.


I have several main concerns about the interpretation of these data:
(1) The premise of the paper suggests that sensory responses are noisy at the level of neurons, but that population activity is reliable and that different neurons may participate in sensory coding on different trials. However, no analysis related to single trial variance or overall stability of population coding is provided. Specifically, showing that population activity is stable across trials in terms of total activity level or in some latent low dimensional representation would be required to support the concept of "homeostatic balancing".
(2) Rebalancing would predict either that the responses of stimulated neurons would remain A) elevated after stimulation due to a hebbian mechanism or B) suppressed due to high activity levels on previous trials, a homeostatic mechanism. The authors report suppression in targeted neurons after stimulation blocks, but this appears similar to all other non-stimulated neurons. How do the authors interpret the post-stimulation effect in stimulated neurons?
(3) The authors suggest that ACtx is different from visual cortex in that neurons with different tuning properties are intermingled. While that is true at the level of individual neurons, there is global order, as demonstrated by the authors own widefield imaging data and others at the single cell level (e.g. Tischbirek et al. 2019). Generally, distance is dismissed as a variable in the paper, but this is not convincing. Work across multiple sensory systems, including the authors own work, has demonstrated that cortical neuron connectivity is not random but varies as a function of distance (e.g. Watkins et al. 2014). Better justification is needed for the spatial pattern of neurons that were chosen for stimulation. Further, analyses that account for center of mass of stimulation, rather than just the distance from any stimulated neuron would be important to any negative result related to distance.
(4) Data curation and presentation: Broadly, the way the data were curated and plotted makes it difficult to determine how well-supported the authors claims are. In terms of curation, the removal of outliers 3 standard deviations above the mean in the analysis of stimulation effects is questionable. Given the single-cell stimulation data presented in Figure 1, the reader is led to believe that holographic stimulation is quite specific. However, the justification for removing these outliers is that there may be direct stimulation 20-30 um from the target. Without plotting and considering the outliers as well, it is difficult to understand if these outsized responses are due to strong synaptic connections with neighboring neurons or rather just direct off-target stimulation. Relatedly, data presentation is limited to the mean + SEM for almost all main effects and pre-post stimulation effects are only compared indirectly. Whether stimulation effects are driven by just a few neurons that are particularly suppressed or distinct populations which are suppressed or enhanced remains unclear.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):

The goal of HiJee Kang et al. in this study is to explore the interaction between assemblies of neurons with similar pure-tone selectivity in mouse auditory cortex. Using holographic optogenetic stimulation in a small subset of target cells selective for a given pure tone (PTsel), while optically monitoring calcium activity in surrounding non-target cells, they discovered a subtle rebalancing process: co-tuned neurons that are not optogenetically stimulated tend to reduce their activity. The cortical network reacts as if an increased response to PTsel in some tuned assemblies is immediately offset by a reduction in activity in the rest of the PTsel-tuned assemblies, leaving the overall response to PTsel unchanged. The authors show that this rebalancing process affects only the responses of neurons to PTsel, not to other pure tones. They also show that assemblies of neurons that are not selective for PTsel don't participate in the rebalancing process. They conclude that assemblies of neurons with similar pure-tone selectivity must interact in some way to organize this rebalancing process, and they suggest that mechanisms based on homeostatic signaling may play a role.

The conclusions of this paper are very interesting but some aspects of the study including methods for optogenetic stimulation, statistical analysis of the results and interpretation of the underlying mechanisms need to be clarified and extended.

(1) This study uses an all-optical approach to excite a restricted group of neurons chosen for their functional characteristics (their frequency tuning), and simultaneously record from the entire network observable in the FOV. As stated by the authors, this approach is applied for the first time to the auditory cortex, which is a tour de force. However, such an approach is complex and requires precise controls to be convincing. In the manuscript, several methodological aspects are not sufficiently described to allow a proper understanding.
(i) The use of CRmine together with GCaMP8s has been reported as problematic as the 2Ph excitation of GCaMP8s also excites the opsin. Here, the authors use a red-shifted version of CRmine to prevent such cross excitation by the imaging laser. To be convincing, they should explain how they controlled for the absence of rsCRmine activation by the 940nm light. Showing the fluorescence traces immediately after the onset of the imaging session would ensure that neurons are not excited as they are imaged.
(ii) Holographic patterns used to excite 5 cells simultaneously may be associated with out-of-focus laser hot spots. Cells located outside of the FOV could be activated, therefore engaging other cells than the targeted ones in the stimulation. This would be problematic in this study as their tuning may be unrelated to the tuning of the targeted cells. To control for such an effect, one could in principle decouple the imaging and the excitation planes, and check for the absence of out-of-focus unwanted excitation.
(iii) The control shown in Figure 1B is intended to demonstrate the precision of the optogenetic stimulation: when the stimulation spiral is played at a distance larger or equal to 20 µm from a cell, it does not activate it. However, in the rest of the study, the stimulation is applied with a holographic approach, targeting 5 cells simultaneously instead of just one. As the holographic pattern of light could produce out-of-focus hot spots (absent in the single cell control), we don't know what is the extent of the contamination from non-targeted cells in this case. This is important because it would determine an objective criterion to exclude non-targeted but excited cells (last paragraph of the Result section: "For the stimulation condition, we excluded non-target cells that were within 15 µm distance of the target cells...")

(2) A strength of this study comes from the design of the experimental protocol used to compare the activity in non-target co-tuned cells when the optogenetic stimulation is paired with their preferred tone versus a non-preferred pure tone. The difficulty lies in the co-occurrence of the rebalancing process and the adaptation to repeated auditory stimuli, especially when these auditory stimuli correspond to a cell's preferred pure tones. To distinguish between the two effects, the authors use a comparison with a control condition similar to the optogenetic stimulation conditions, except that the laser power is kept at 0 mW. The observed effect is shown as an extra reduction of activity in the condition with the optogenetic paired with the preferred tone, compared to the control condition. The specificity of this extra reduction when stimulation is synchronized with the preferred tone, but not with a non-preferred tone, is a potentially powerful result, as it points to an underlying mechanism that links the assemblies of cells that share the same preferred pure tones.
The evidence for this specificity is shown in Figure 3A and 3D. However, the universality of this specificity is challenged by the fact that it is observed for 16kHz preferring cells, but not so clearly for 54kHz preferring cells: these 54kHz preferring cells also significantly (p = 0.044) reduce their response to 54kHz in the optogenetic stimulation condition applied to 16kHz preferring target cells compared to the control condition. The proposed explanation for this is the presence of many cells with a broad frequency tuning, meaning that these cells could have been categorized as 54kHz preferring cells, while they also responded significantly to a 16kHz pure tone. To account for this, the authors divide each category of pure tone cells into three subgroups with low, medium and high frequency preferences. Following the previous reasoning, one would expect at least the "high" subgroups to show a strong and significant specificity for an additional reduction only if the optogenetic stimulation is targeted to a group of cells with the same preferred frequency. Figure 3D fails to show this. The extra reduction for the "high" subgroups is significant only when the condition of opto-stimulation synchronized with the preferred frequency is compared to the control condition, but not when it is compared to the condition of opto-stimulation synchronized with the non-preferred frequency.
Therefore, the claim that "these results indicate that the effect of holographic optogenetic stimulation depends not on the specific tuning of cells, but on the co-tuning between stimulated and non-stimulated neurons" (end of paragraph "Optogenetic holographic stimulation decreases activity in non-target co-tuned ensembles") seems somewhat exaggerated. Perhaps increasing the number of sessions in the 54kHz target cell optogenetic stimulation condition (12 FOV) to the number of sessions in the 16kHz target cell optogenetic stimulation condition (18 FOV) could help to reach significance levels consistent with this claim.

(3) To interpret the results of this study, the authors suggest that mechanisms based on homeostatic signaling could be important to allow the rebalancing of the activity of assemblies of co-tuned neurons. In particular, the authors try to rule out the possibility that inhibition plays a central role. Both mechanisms could produce effects on short timescales, making them potential candidates. The authors quantify the spatial distribution of the balanced non-targeted cells and show that they are not localized in the vicinity of the targeted cells. They conclude that local inhibition is unlikely to be responsible for the observed effect. This argument raises some questions. The method used to quantify spatial distribution calculates the minimum distance of a non-target cell to any target cell. If local inhibition is activated by the closest target cell, one would expect the decrease in activity to be stronger for non-target cells with a small minimum distance and to fade away for larger minimum distances. This is not what the authors observe (Figure 4B), so they reject inhibition as a plausible explanation. However, their quantification doesn't exclude the possibility that non-target cells in the minimum distance range could also be close and connected to the other 4 target cells, thus masking any inhibitory effect mediated by the closest target cell. In addition, the authors should provide a quantitative estimate of the range of local inhibition in layers 2/3 of the mouse auditory cortex to compare with the range of distances examined in this study (< 300 µm). Finally, the possibility that some target cells could be inhibitory cells themselves is considered unlikely by the authors, given the proportions of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the upper cortical layers. On the other hand, it should be acknowledged that inhibitory cells are more electrically compact, making them easier to be activated optogenetically with low laser power.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):


The authors optogenetically stimulate 5 neurons all preferring the same pure tone frequency (16 or 54 kHz) in the mouse auditory cortex using a holography-based single cell resolution optogenetics during sound presentation. They demonstrate that the response boosting of target neurons leads to a broad suppression of surrounding neurons, which is significantly more pronounced in neurons that have the same pure tone tuning as the target neurons. This effect is immediate and spans several hundred micrometers. This suggests that the auditory cortical network balances its activity in response to excess spikes, a phenomenon already seen in visual cortex.


The study is based on a technologically very solid approach based on single-cell resolution two-photon optogenetics. The authors demonstrate the potency and resolution of this approach. The inhibitory effects observed upon targeted stimulation are clear and the relative specificity to co-tuned neurons is statistically clear although the effect size is moderate.


The evaluation of the results is brief and some aspects of the observed homeostatic are not quantified. For example, it is unclear whether stimulation produces a net increase or decrease of population activity, or if the homeostatic phenomenon fully balances activity. A comparison of population activity for all imaged neurons with and without stimulation would be instructive. The selectivity for co-tuned neurons is significant but weak. Although it is difficult to evaluate this issue, this result may be trivial, as co-tuned neurons fire more strongly. Therefore, the net activity decrease is expected to be larger, in particular, for the number of non-co-tuned neurons which actually do not fire to the target sound. The net effect for the latter neurons will be zero just because they do not respond. The authors do not make a very strong case for a specific inhibition model in comparison to a broad and non-specific inhibitory effect. Complementary modeling work would be needed to fully establish this point.

Author response:

We would like to thank the editors and the reviewers for constructive feedback on our first version of the manuscript. Before submitting a fully revised version with detailed response to each point, we would like to provide a brief clarification on some of the key issues.

Reviewer 2 raised a concern about the precision and specificity of holographic stimulation, regarding its potential effect on out-of-focus stimulation points and planes. We further verified whether the laser power at the targeted z-plane influences cells’ activity at nearby z-planes. As the Reviewer pointed out, the previous x- and y-axis shifts were tested by single-cell stimulation. This time, we stimulated five cells simultaneously, to match the actual experiment setup and assess potential artifacts in other planes. We observed no stimulation-driven activity increase in cells at a z-planed shifted by 20 µm (Author response image 1). This confirms the holographic stimulation accurately manipulates the pre-selected target cells and the effects we observe is not likely due to out-of-focus stimulation artifacts. It is true that not all of pre-selected cells showing significant response changes prior to the main experiment are effectively activated t every trial during the experiments. While further analyses will be included in the revised manuscript, we varied the target cell distances across FOVs, from nearby cells to those farther apart within the FOV. We have not observed a significant relationship between the target cell distances and stimulation effect. Lastly, cells within < 15 µm of the target were excluded to prevent potential excitation due to the holographic stimulation power. Given the spontaneous movements of the FOV during imaging sessions due to animal’s movement, despite our efforts to minimize them, we believe that any excitation from these neighboring neurons would be directly from the stimulation rather than the light pattern artifact itself.

Author response image 1.

Stimulation effect on five pre-selected cells at the target z-plane (left) and 20 µm off-target z-plane (right). No stimulation-driven effect was observed on the off-target cells.

Reviewers also raised concerns regarding the interpretation of homeostatic balance. While we are working on further analyses to strengthen our findings based on the reviewers’ suggestions, the observed response changes in co-tuned neuronal ensembles, specifically during the processing of their preferred frequency information, highlights an interaction between sensory processing and network dynamics. We believe this specificity indicates a functional mechanism beyond broad suppression or simple inhibitory effects, possibly aligning with homeostatic principles in cortical circuits. Regarding the post-stimulation effect, it is true neither the stimulation nor the control condition showed further response changes during the post-stimulation session. For the control condition, this is likely due to the repetitive tone presentation that could already triggered neural adaptation to a plateau by first two imaging sessions (baseline and stimulation sessions), preventing further changes in the last session. However, as the stimulation condition induced a greater amplitude decrease during the stimulation session compared to the control condition, if this extra suppression had not persisted during the post-stimulation session, we would have expected response amplitudes to rebound, increasing between the stimulation and post-stimulation sessions, which was not the case. Therefore, we propose that the persistence of this rebalanced network state is more indicative of a potential homeostatic mechanism in response to the activity manipulation within the network.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation