Impact of microexon misregulation in larval activity and response to stimuli.
A) Experimental design to assess larval activity patterns and response to stimuli using the DanioVision system and the EthoVision XT - Video tracking software. The protocol we implemented consists of 5’ of habituation, 25’ of baseline recording, five alternating 10’ intervals of dark-light, 10’ of re-habituation and the tapping experiment (30 taps at 1 Hz). B) Heatmap showing the percent of change with respect to the WT value for the homozygous (Del) of each main microexon deletion line as well as the single and double regulator mutants for features related to activity and response to stimuli (full plots in Figure 4 - figure supplement 1-14). For visualization purposes, the percent change for median WT values equal to zero was computed using the minimum median WT value of the relative category across founders. P-values correspond to the median P-value from 100 permutation tests selecting 10 observations per genotype across replicates of the main founder. C) Left: Activity (percentage of Δpixels/min) plots for a representative clutch of srrm3 and evi5b main lines. Traces represent mean ± SEM across larvae from the same clutch and genotype. Dark and light periods are shown with gray or white background, respectively. Right: boxplots showing the distribution of the mean baseline activity for each larvae of each genotype. P-values correspond to two-sided Wilcoxon Rank-Sum tests of each genotype against the WT. D) Left: Activity (percentage of Δpixels/min) plots for a representative clutch of srrm3/4 double mutant line. Traces represent mean ± SEM across larvae from the same clutch and genotype. Dark and light periods are shown with gray or white background, respectively. Right: boxplots showing the mean difference in activity during the dark-to-light transition for each larvae of each genotype. P-values correspond to two-sided Wilcoxon Rank-Sum tests. E) Left: Activity (percentage of Δpixels/sec) after each of the 30 consecutive taps representative clutch of srrm3/4 double mutant line. Traces represent mean ± SEM across larvae from the same clutch and genotype. F) Left: schematic representation of a well, divided between center and periphery regions. Right: two representative tracks of WT and Del srrm3/4 larvae for 60 sec at baseline. G) Boxplots showing the median percentage total distance moved (TDM) (mm) in the periphery for larvae of different genotypes of the srrm3/4 double mutant line, under baseline, dark and light conditions. P-values correspond to two-sided Wilcoxon Rank-Sum tests of each genotype against the WT. For simplicity, in D-G, WT denotes srrm3+/+,srrm4-/- fish and Het srrm3+/+,srrm4+/- ones. For all panels: * 0.05 < p ≤ 0.001, ** 0.001 < p ≤ 0.0001, *** p < 0.0001.