Additional characterization of the TCR-pMHC interface. (A) Number of MHC-Vα, MHC-Vβ, peptide-Vα, and peptide-Vβ contacts in A6 and B7 TCRs. Data for A6 are from Chang-Gonzalez et al. (2024). (B) Hamming distance ℋ. Histograms were calculated using data after the first 500 ns. (C) Total (pink) and per-residue (blue) BSA for interfacial residues after the first 500 ns. (D) Top row: pMHC residues forming contacts with the V-module with average occupancy greater than 50% in the high-load case. MHC residues are shown as sticks and Cα atoms of the peptide residues are shown as spheres. Viewing direction is the same as in Figure 2E. Bottom row: V-module residues forming contacts with pMHC residues in top row, shown as spheres. Residues for B7high correspond to those in Figure 2E. (E) Distance between the V-module and pMHC. Histograms were calculated using data after the first 500 ns. For Vαβ-pMHC and B7high, avg±std after 500 ns are 32.5±0.31 Å and 31.9±0.30 Å, respectively. Dashed line is the value from the crystal structure (31.6 Å).