HERV and gene deregulation associates with disease symptomatology.
(A) Association between modules and disease determined by correlations of eigengenes from each module with binarized disease traits. Boxes show Pearson correlation values and associated p-values (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001) by module and each disease trait. A value of 1 (orange) and -1 (blue) quantify strongest positive and negative correlations, respectively, while 0 (white) shows no correlation. (B) Barplots showing top ten HERV loci (upper) and top ten genes (lower) with highest correlations with ME/CFS disease. Bar height and color display the strength of each correlation, being high orange bars more correlated than lower blue bars. (C) Association between top ten HERV loci (left) and top ten genes (right) with disease traits as determined by their correlation with ME/CFS patient symptoms as assessed by questionnaire scores. Boxes show Pearson correlation values and associated p-values (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.01) by DE HERV or DE gene as indicated for FIQ subdomains (Function, Overall and Symptoms) or total FIQ; for MFI subdomains (GF: general fatigue, Pfa: physical fatigue, RA: reduced activity, RM: reduced motivation, and MF: mental fatigue), and for SF-36 subdomains (PF: physical functioning, RP: role physical, BP: bodily pain, GH: general health, VT: vitality, SF: social functioning, RE: role emotional, and MH: mental health).