Single amino acid substitutions that alter the probability of pocket opening also induce differential binding to blunt ends and the backbone.
(A-D) Binding of Zaire A291P IID (empty black circles), WT IID (solid red triangles), WT Zaire IID (solid black circles), Reston P280A IID (empty red triangles), WT Marburg IID (blue squares) to fluorescently labeled (A) 8bp blunt-ended RNA (B) 8bp RNA with two nucleotide overhangs on 3’ ends (C) 25bp blunt-ended RNA (D) 25bp RNA with two nucleotide overhangs on 3’ ends.
The anisotropy was measured via a fluorescence polarization assay, converted to anisotropy, fit to a one-dimensional lattice binding model. The mean and standard deviation from three replicates is shown but error bars are generally smaller than the symbols. Lines indicate the global fits.
(E) Comparison of Koc obtained from the global fits to Keq for C296 exposure obtained from DTNB labeling experiments shown in Fig 3D.
(F) Comparison of dissociation constants obtained from the global fits.
(G) Comparison of cooperativity between backbone binding modes obtained from the global fits.(H) Comparison of cooperativity between end and backbone binding modes obtained from the global fits. The mean values of fits to three individual replicates are shown for E, F, G and H. Standard deviations are shown as error bars.