Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorSaad JbabdiUniversity of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Senior EditorJoshua GoldUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Farkas and colleagues conducted a comparative neuroimaging study with domestic dogs and humans to explore whether social perception in both species is underpinned by an analogous distinction between animate and inanimate entities an established functional organizing principle in the primate and human brain. Presenting domestic dogs and humans with clips of three animate classes (dogs, humans, cats) and one inanimate control (cars), the authors also set out to compare how dogs and humans perceive their own vs other species. Both research questions have been previously studied in dogs, but the authors used novel dynamic stimuli and added animate and inanimate classes, which have not been investigated before (i.e., cats and cars). Combining univariate and multivariate analysis approaches, they identified functionally analogous areas in the dog and human occipito-temporal cortex involved in the perception of animate entities, largely replicating previous observations. This further emphasizes a potentially shared functional organizing principle of social perception in the two species. The authors also describe between-species divergencies in the perception of the different animate classes, arguing for a less generalized perception of animate entities in dogs, but this conclusion is not convincingly supported by the applied analyses and reported findings.
Domestic dogs represent a compelling model species to study the neural bases of social perception and potentially shared functional organizing principles with humans and primates. The field of comparative neuroimaging with dogs is still young, with a growing but still small number of studies, and the present study exemplifies the reproducibility of previous research. Using dynamic instead of static stimuli and adding new stimuli classes, Farkas and colleagues successfully replicated and expanded previous findings, adding to the growing body of evidence that social perception is underpinned by a shared functional organizing principle in the dog and human occipito-temporal cortex.
The study design is imbalanced, with only one category of inanimate objects vs. three animate entities. Moreover, based on the example videos, it appears that the animate stimuli also differed in the complexity of the content from the car stimuli, with often multiple agents interacting or performing goal-directed actions. Moreover, while dogs are familiar with cars, they are definitely of lower relevance and interest to them than the animate stimuli. Thus, to a certain extent, the results might also reflect differences in attention towards/salience of the stimuli.
The methods section and rationale behind the chosen approaches were often difficult to follow and lacked a lot of information, which makes it difficult to judge the evidence and the drawn conclusions, and it weakens the potential for reproducibility of this work. For example, for many preprocessing and analysis steps, parameters were missing or descriptions of the tools used, no information on anatomical masks and atlas used in humans was provided, and it is often not clear if the authors are referring to the univariate or multivariate analysis.
In regard to the chosen approaches and rationale, the authors generally binarize a lot of rich information. Instead of directly testing potential differences in the neural representations of the different animate entities, they binarize dissimilarity maps for, e.g. animate entity > inanimate cars and then calculate the overlap between the maps. The comparison of the overlap of these three maps between species is also problematic, considering that the human RSA was constricted to the occipital and temporal cortex (there is now information on how they defined it) vs. whole-brain in dogs. Considering that the stimuli do differ based on low-level visual properties (just not significantly within a run), the RSA would also allow the authors to directly test if some of the (dis)similarities might be driven by low-level visual features like they, e.g. did with the early visual cortex model. I do think RSA is generally an excellent choice to investigate the neural representation of animate (and inanimate) stimuli, but the authors should apply it more appropriately and use its full potential.
The authors localized some of the "animate areas" also with the early visual cortex model (e.g. ectomarginal gyrus, mid suprasylvian); in humans, it only included the known early visual cortex - what does this mean for the animate areas in dogs?
The results section also lacks information and statistical evidence; for example, for the univariate region-of-interest (ROI) analysis (called response profiles) comparing activation strength towards each stimulus type, it is not reported if comparisons were significant or not, but the authors state they conducted t-tests. The authors describe that they created spheres on all peaks reported for the contrast animate > inanimate, but they only report results for the mid suprasylvian and occipital gyrus (e.g. caudal suprasylvian gyrus is missing). Furthermore, considering that the ROIs were chosen based on the contrast animate > inanimate stimuli, activation strength should only be compared between animate entities (i.e., dogs, humans, cats), while cars should not be reported (as this would be double dipping, after selecting voxels showing lower activation for that category). The descriptive data in Figure 3B (pending statistical evidence) suggests there were no strong differences in activation for the three species in dog and human animate areas. Thus, the ROI analysis appears to contradict findings from the binary analysis approach to investigate species preference, but the authors only discuss the results of the latter in support of their narrative for conspecific preference in dogs and do not discuss research from other labs investigating own-species preference.
The authors also unnecessarily exaggerate novelty claims. Animate vs inanimate and own vs other species perceptions have both been investigated before in dogs (and humans), so any claims in that direction seem unsubstantiated - and also not needed, as novelty itself is not a sign of quality; what is novel, and a sign of theoretical advance besides the novelty, are as said the conceptual extension and replication of previous work.
Overall, more analyses and appropriate tests are needed to support the conclusions drawn by the authors, as well as a more comprehensive discussion of all findings.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The manuscript reports an fMRI study looking at whether there is animacy organization in a non-primate, mammal, the domestic dog, that is similar to that observed in humans and non-human primates (NHPs). A simple experiment was carried out with four kinds of stimulus videos (dogs, humans, cats, and cars), and univariate contrasts and RSA searchlight analysis was performed. Previous studies have looked at this question or closely associated questions (e.g. whether there is face selectivity in dogs). The import of the present study is that it looks at multiple types of animate objects, dogs, humans, and cats, and tests whether there was overlapping/similar topography (or magnitude) of responses when these stimuli were compared to the inanimate reference class of cars. The main finding was of some selectivity for animacy though this was primarily driven by the dog stimuli, which did overlap with the other animate stimulus types, but far less so than in humans.
I believe that this is an interesting study in so far as it builds on other recent work looking at category-selectivity in the domestic dog. Given the limited number of such studies, I think it is a natural step to consider a number of different animate stimuli and look at their overlap. While some of the results were not wholly surprising (e.g. dog brains respond more selectively for dogs than humans or cats), that does not take away from their novelty, such as it is. The findings of this study are useful as a point of comparison with other recent work on the organization of high-level visual function in the brain of the domestic dog.
(1) One challenge for all studies like this is a lack of clarity when we say there is organization for "animacy" in the human and NHP brains. The challenge is by no means unique to the present study, but I do think it brings up two more specific topics.
First, one property associated with animate things is "capable of self-movement". While cognitively we know that cars require a driver, and are otherwise inanimate, can we really assume that dogs think of cars in the same way? After all, just think of some dogs that chase cars. If dogs represent moving cars as another kind of self-moving thing, then it is not clear we can say from this study that we have a contrast between animate vs inanimate. This would not mean that there are no real differences in neural organization being found. It was unclear whether all or some of the car videos showed them moving. But if many/most do, then I think this is a concern.
Second, there is quite a lot of potential complexity in the human case that is worth considering when interpreting the results of this study. In the human case, some evidence suggests that animacy may be more of a continuum (Sha et al. 2015), which may reflect taxonomy (Connolly et al. 2012, 2016). However moving videos seem to be dominated more by signals relevant to threat or predation relative to taxonomy (Nastase et al. 2017). Some evidence suggests that this purported taxonomic organization might be driven by gradation in representing faces and bodies of animals based on their relative similarity to humans (Ritchie et al. 2021). Also, it may be that animacy organization reflects a number of (partially correlated) dimensions (Thorat et al. 2019, Jozwik et al. 2022). One may wonder whether the regions of (partial) overlap in animate responses in the dog brain might have some of these properties as well (or not).
(2) It is stated that previous studies provide evidence that the dog brain shows selectivity to "certain aspects of animacy". One of these already looked at selectivity for dog and human faces and bodies and identified similar regions of activity (Boch et al. 2023). An earlier study by Dilks et al. (2015), not cited in the present work (as far as I can tell), also used dynamic stimuli and did not suffer from the above limitations in choosing inanimate stimuli (e.g. using toy and scene objects for inanimate stimuli). But it only included human faces as the dynamic animate stimulus. So, as far as stimulus design, it seems the import of the present study is that it included a *third* animate stimulus (cats) and that the stimuli were dynamic.
(3) I am concerned that the univariate results, especially those depicted in Figure 3B, include double dipping (Kriegesorte et al. 2009). The analysis uses the response peak for the A > iA contrast to then look at the magnitude of the D, H, C vs iA contrasts. This means the same data is being used for feature selection and then to estimate the responses. So, the estimates are going to be inflated. For example, the high magnitudes for the three animate stimuli above the inanimate stimuli are going to inherently be inflated by this analysis and cannot be taken at face value. I have the same concern with the selectivity preference results in Figure 3E.
I think the authors have two options here. Either they drop these analyses entirely (so that the total set of analyses really mirrors those in Figure 4), or they modify them to address this concern. I think this could be done in one of two ways. One would be to do a within-subject standard split-half analysis and use one-half of the data for feature selection and the other for magnitude estimation. The other would be to do a between-subject design of some kind, like using one subject for magnitude estimation based on an ROI defined using the data for the other subjects.
(4) There are two concerns with how the overlap analyses were carried out. First, as typically carried out to look at overlap in humans, the proportion is of overlapping results of the contrasts of interest, e.g, for face and body selectivity overlap (Schwarlose et al. 2006), hand and tool overlap (Bracci et al. 2012), or more recently, tool and food overlap (Ritchie et al. 2024). There are a number of ways of then calculating the overlap, with their own strengths and weaknesses (see Tarr et al. 2007). Of these, I think the Jaccard index is the most intuitive, which is just the intersection of two sets as a proportion of their union. So, for example, the N of overlapping D > iA and H > iA active voxels is divided by the total number of unique active voxels for the two contrasts. Such an overlap analysis is more standard and interpretable relative to previous findings. I would strongly encourage the authors to carry out such an analysis or use a similar metric of overlap, in place of what they have currently performed (to the extent the analysis makes sense to me).
Second, the results summarized in Figure 3A suggest multiple distinct regions of animacy selectivity. Other studies have also identified similar networks of regions (e.g. Boch et al. 2023). These regions may serve different functions, but the overlap analysis does not tell us whether there is overlap in some of these portions of the cortex and not in others. The overlap is only looked at in a very general sense. There may be more overlap locally in some portions of the cortex and not in others.
(5) Two comments about the RSA analyses. First, I am not quite sure why the authors used HMAX rather than layers of a standardly trained ImageNet deep convolutional neural network. This strikes me also as a missed opportunity since many labs have looked at whether later layers of DNNs trained on object categorization show similar dissimilarity structures as category-selective regions in humans and NHPs. In so far as cross-species comparisons are the motivation here, it would be genuinely interesting to see what would happen if one did a correlation searchlight with the dog brain and layers of a DNN, a la Cichy et al. (2016).
Second, from the text is hard to tell what the models for the class- and category-boundary effects were. Are there RDMs that can be depicted here? I am very familiar with RSA searchlight and I found the description of the methods to be rather opaque. The same point about overlap earlier regarding the univariate results also applies to the RSA results. Also, this is again a reason to potentially compare DNN RDMs to both the categorical models and the brains of both species.
(6) There has been emphasis of late on the role of face and body selective regions and social cognition (Pitcher and Ungerleider, 2021, Puce, 2024), and also on whether these regions are more specialized for representing whole bodies/persons (Hu et al. 2020, Taubert, et al. 2022). It may be that the supposed animacy organization is more about how we socialize and interact with other organisms than anything about animacy as such (see again the earlier comments about animacy, taxonomy, and threat/predation). The result, of a great deal of selectivity for dogs, some for humans, and little for cats, seems to readily make sense if we assume it is driven by the social value of the three animate objects that are presented. This might be something worth reflecting on in relation to the present findings.