Basket displacement causes intron-dependent chromosome loss in young and old cells.
A) Stills of symmetric and asymmetric anaphases in young cells. Arrow marks the old SPB. Scale bar (upper right panel) is 5µm B) Anaphase mis-segregation of Chromosome II in cells of indicated genotypes (n=2774,3000,2700). Each data point represents anaphase missegregation fraction in the cohort of >300 cells. C) Fraction of Chromosome II missegregation with old (red) or new SPB (pink) in anaphase cells of indicated genotype (n=30 cohorts of ∼10 missegregation events) Unpaired T-test (*<0.05, **<0.005, ***<0.0005) D) Chromosome II loss probability in indicated genotype as a function of CBE (divided into categories of 5xCBE) (N, n(cells/divisions) wt=458/8600, mlp1Δ=302/4270, mlp1Δ 3xΔi=295/4757) E)Replicative lifespan of listed genotypes. Red and green stars represent p-values between the wt and the corresponding genotype. Black stars represent the p-value between mlp1Δ and mlp1Δ 3xΔi (n>300 cells, Log-rank (Mentel Cox) test, *<0.05, **<0.005, ***<0.0005).