Off-target ATP ligand effect.
(A) GO-term analysis of molecular functions and distribution for all IMPs significantly stabilized at all temperatures tested with the mouse liver library (n = 178). (B) Peptide intensity variations of P2RY6 and P2RY12 over the temperature range with AMP-PNP (orange), ATP-VO4 (green), or none (gray). Data is a mean ± standard deviation from three replicates (n = 3). (C) Peptide intensity variations of P2RX4 at the indicated temperature in the presence of ATP-VO4 (left panel) or AMP-PNP (right panel). Data from treatment samples (orange) and control samples (blue) is from triplicates (n = 3). * Represents p-value ≤ 0.05. **Protein not detected. (D) Structural model of homodimeric Mao-B with the predicted binding of FAD, ATP, ADP, and AMP ligands within the FAD binding pocket, indicated as red dots. Each ligand is presented individually in the FAD binding pocket or as an all-ligand overlap generated by AlphaFold3. The respective Predicted Local Distance Difference Test (pLDDT) score for each ligand is shown, with higher scores representing more favourable ligand fitting. The colour gradient represents a high pLDDT score as blue and a low pLDDT score as orange.