Control of innate olfactory valence by segregated cortical amygdala circuits

  1. Department of Neurobiology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, United States
  2. Neurosciences Graduate Program, University of California, San Diego, United States
  3. Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, United States
  4. Center for Circadian Biology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, United States
  5. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University, New York, United States
  6. Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, La Jolla, United States
  7. Department of Pathology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, United States
  8. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, San Diego, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Richard Palmiter
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Sonia Sen
    Tata Institute for Genetics and Society, Bangalore, India

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


This study by Howe and colleagues investigates the role of the posterolateral cortical amygdala (plCoA) in mediating innate responses to odors, specifically attraction and aversion. By combining optogenetic stimulation, single-cell RNA sequencing, and spatial analysis, the authors identify a topographically organized circuit within plCoA that governs these behaviors. They show that specific glutamatergic neurons in the anterior and posterior regions of plCoA are responsible for driving attraction and avoidance, respectively, and that these neurons project to distinct downstream regions, including the medial amygdala and nucleus accumbens, to control these responses.


The major strength of the study is the thoroughness of the experimental approach, which combines advanced techniques in neural manipulation and mapping with high-resolution molecular profiling. The identification of a topographically organized circuit in plCoA and the connection between molecularly defined populations and distinct behaviors is a notable contribution to understanding the neural basis of innate motivational responses. Additionally, the use of functional manipulations adds depth to the findings, offering valuable insights into the functionality of specific neuronal populations.


There are some weaknesses in the study's methods and interpretation. The lack of clarity regarding the behavior of the mice during head-fixed imaging experiments raises the possibility that restricted behavior could explain the absence of valence encoding at the population level. Furthermore, while the authors employ chemogenetic inhibition of specific pathways, the rationale for this choice over optogenetic inhibition is not fully addressed, and this could potentially affect the interpretation of the results. Additionally, the choice of the mplCoA for manipulation, rather than the more directly implicated anterior and posterior subregions, is not well-explained, which could undermine the conclusions drawn about the topographic organization of plCoA.

Despite these concerns, the work provides significant insights into the neural circuits underlying innate behaviors and opens new avenues for further research. The findings are particularly relevant for understanding the neural basis of motivational behaviors in response to sensory stimuli, and the methods used could be valuable for researchers studying similar circuits in other brain regions. If the authors address the methodological issues raised, this work could have a substantial impact on the field, contributing to both basic neuroscience and translational research on the neural control of behavior.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


The manuscript by the Root laboratory and colleagues describes how the posterolateral cortical amygdala (plCoA) generates valenced behaviors. Using a suite of methods, the authors demonstrate that valence encoding is mediated by several factors, including spatial localization of neurons within the plCoA, glutamatergic markers, and projection. The manuscript shows convincingly that multiple features (spatial, genetic, and projection) contribute to overall population encoding of valence. Overall, the authors conduct many challenging experiments, each of which contains the relevant controls, and the results are interpreted within the framework of their experiments.


-For a first submission the manuscript is well constructed, containing lots of data sets and clearly presented, in spite of the abundance of experimental results.
-The authors should be commended for their rigorous anatomical characterizations and post-hoc analysis. In the field of circuit neuroscience, this is rarely done so carefully, and when it is, often new insights are gleaned as is the case in the current manuscript.
-The combination of molecular markers, behavioral readouts and projection mapping together substantially strengthen the results.
-The focus on this relatively understudied brain region in the context is valence is well appreciated, exciting and novel.


-Interpretation of calcium imaging data is very limited and requires additional analysis and behavioral responses specific to odors should be considered. If there are neural responses behavioral epochs and responses to those neuronal responses should be displayed and analyzed.
-The effect of odor habituation is not considered.
-Optogenetic data in the two subregions relies on very careful viral spread and fiber placement. The current anatomy results provided should be clear about the spread of virus in A-P, and D-V axis, providing coordinates for this, to ensure readers the specificity of each sub-zone is real.
-The choice of behavioral assays across the two regions doesn't seem balanced and would benefit from more congruency,
-Rationale for some of the choices of photo-stimulation experiment parameters isn't well defined.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):


Combining electrophysiological recording, circuit tracing, single cell RNAseq, and optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulation, Howe and colleagues have identified a graded division between anterior and posterior plCoA and determined the molecular characteristics that distinguish the neurons in this part of the amygdala. They demonstrate that the expression of slc17a6 is mostly restricted to the anterior plCoA whereas slc17a7 is more broadly expressed. Through both anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments, they demonstrate that the anterior plCoA neurons preferentially projected to the MEA whereas those in the posterior plCoA preferentially innervated the nucleus accumbens. Interestingly, optogenetic activation of the aplCoA drives avoidance in a spatial preference assay whereas activating the pplCoA leads to preference. The data support a model that spatially segregated and molecularly defined populations of neurons and their projection targets carry valence specific information for the odors. The discoveries represent a conceptual advance in understanding plCoA function and innate valence coding in the olfactory system.


The strongest evidence supporting the model comes from single cell RNASeq, genetically facilitated anterograde and retrograde circuit tracing, and optogenetic stimulation. The evidence clear demonstrates two molecularly defined cell populations with differential projection targets. Stimulating the two populations produced opposite behavioral responses.


There are a couple of inconsistencies that may be addressed by additional experiments and careful interpretation of the data.

Stimulating aplCoA or slc17a6 neurons results in spatial avoidance, and stimulating pplCoA or slc17a7 neurons drives approach behaviors. On the other hand, the authors and others in the field also show that there is no apparent spatial bias in odor-driven responses associated with odor valence. This discrepancy may be addressed better. A possibility is that odor-evoked responses are recorded from populations outside of those defined by slc17a6/a7. This may be addressed by marking activated cells and identifying their molecular markers. A second possibility is that optogenetic stimulation activates a broad set of neurons that and does not recapitulate the sparseness of odor responses. It is not known whether sparsely activation by optogenetic stimulation can still drive approach of avoidance behaviors.

The authors show that inhibiting slc17a7 neurons blocks approaching behaviors toward 2-PE. Consistent with this result, inhibiting NAc projection neurons also inhibits approach responses. However, inhibiting aplCOA or slc17a6 neurons does not reduce aversive response to TMT, but blocking MEA projection neurons does. The latter two pieces of evidence are not consistent with each other. One possibility is that the MEA projecting neurons may not be expressing slc17a6. It is not clear that the retrogradely labeling experiments what percentage of MEA- and NAC-projecting neurons express slc17a6 and slc17a7. It is possible that neurons expressing neither VGluT1 nor VGluT2 could drive aversive or appetitive responses. This possibility may also explain that silencing slc17a6 neurons does not block avoidance.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation