Scheduled feeding improves behavioral outcomes and reduces inflammation in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome

  1. Molecular, Cellular, Integrative Physiology Graduate Program, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States
  2. Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States
  3. Integrated Biology and Physiology Program, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States
  4. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine; University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Carlo Sala
  • Senior Editor
    Ma-Li Wong
    State University of New York Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


The authors investigated sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances in Fmr1 KO mice. Initially, they monitored daily home cage behaviors to assess sleep and circadian disruptions. Next, they examined the adaptability of circadian rhythms in response to photic suppression and skeleton photic periods. To explore the underlying mechanisms, they traced retino-suprachiasmatic connectivity. The authors further analyzed the social behaviors of Fmr1 KO mice and tested whether a scheduled feeding strategy could mitigate sleep, circadian, and social behavior deficits. Finally, they demonstrated that scheduled feeding corrected cytokine levels in the plasma of mutant mice.


(1) The manuscript addresses an important topic-investigating sleep deficits in an FXS mouse model and proposing a potential therapeutic strategy.

(2) The study includes a comprehensive experimental design with multiple methodologies, which adds depth to the investigation.


(1) The first serious issue in the manuscript is the lack of a clear description of how they performed the experiments and the missing definitions of various parameters in the results. Given that monitoring and analyzing sleep behaviors are the key experiments of this manuscript, I use the "Immobility-Based Sleep Behavior" section of Methods as an example to elaborate:

Incomplete or Incorrect Description of Tracking Threshold:
o The phrase "tracked the (40 sec or greater as previously described" is incomplete and does not clarify what is being tracked. This appears to be an error in writing or editing.
Unclear Relationship Between Threshold and EEG Validation:
o The threshold "40 sec or greater" is mentioned without context or explanation of what it represents (e.g., sleep bout duration, inactivity, or another parameter). The reference to Fisher et al. (2016) and "99% correlation with EEG-defined sleep" seems misaligned with the paragraph's content.

Confusing Definition of Sleep Bout:
o The definition of a sleep bout is unclear. Sleep bouts should logically be based on periods of inactivity, not activity. The sentence suggesting sleep is measured by "activity staying above the threshold" is confusing. The phrase "3 counts of sleep per minute for longer than one minute" requires clarification.

Unclear Data Selection for Analysis:
o The phrase "2 days with the best recording quality" is vague and does not specify how "best" was determined or why only two days out of five were analyzed.

Awkward Grammar and Structure:
o Phrases like "Acquiring data were exported in 1-min bins" are grammatically awkward. "Acquiring" should be "Acquired." Some sentences are overly long and lack clarity, making the text harder to follow.
In addition to this section, the authors should review all paragraphs in the Methods section to improve readability.

(2) Although the manuscript has a relatively long Methods section, some essential information is missing. For instance, the definition of sleep bout, as described above, is unclear. Additional missing information includes:

Figure 2: "Rhythmic strength (%)" and "Cycle-to-cycle variability (min)."
Figure 3: "Activity suppression."
Figure 4: "Rhythmic power (V%)" (is this different from rhythmic strength (%)?) and "Subjective day activity (%)."
Figure 5: Clear labeling of the SCN's anatomical features and an explanation for quantifying only the ventral part instead of the entire SCN. Alternatively, the authors should consider quantifying the whole SCN.
Figure 6: Inconsistencies in terms like "Sleep frag. (bout #)" and "Sleep bouts (#)." Consistent terminology throughout the manuscript is essential.

(3) Figure 1A shows higher mouse activity during ZT13-16. It is unclear why the authors scheduled feeding during ZT15-21, as this seems to disturb the rhythm. Consistent with this, the body weights of WT and Fmr1 KO mice decreased after scheduled feeding. The authors should explain the rationale for this design clearly.

(4) The interpretation of social behavior results in Figure 6 is questionable. The authors claim that Fmr1 KO mice cannot remember the first stranger in a three-chamber test, writing, "The reduced time in exploring and staying in the novel-mouse chamber suggested that the Fmr1 KO mutants were not able to distinguish the second novel mouse from the first now-familiar mouse." However, an alternative explanation is that Fmr1 KO mice do remember the first stranger but prefer to interact with it due to autistic-like tendencies. Data in Table 5 show that Fmr1 KO mice spent more time interacting with the first stranger in the 3-chamber social recognition test, which support this possibility. Similarly, in the five-trial social test, Fmr1 KO mice's preference for familiar mice might explain the reduced interaction with the second stranger.

In Figure 6C (five-trial social test results), only the fifth trial results are shown. Data for trials 1-4 should be provided and compared with the fifth trial. The behavioral features of mice in the 5-trial test can then be shown completely. In addition, the total interaction times for trials 1-4 (154 {plus minus} 15.3 for WT and 150 {plus minus} 20.9 for Fmr1 KO) suggest normal sociability in Fmr1 KO mice (it is different from the results of 3-chamber). Thus, individual data for trials 1-4 are required to draw reliable conclusions.

In Table 6 and Figure 6G-6J, the authors claim that "Sleep duration (Figures 6G, H) and fragmentation (Figures 6I, J) exhibited a moderate-strong correlation with both social recognition and grooming." However, Figure 6I shows a p-value of 0.077, which is not significant. Moreover, Table 6 shows no significant correlation between SNPI of the three-chamber social test and any sleep parameters. These data do not support the authors' conclusions.

(5) Figure 7 demonstrates the effect of scheduled feeding on circadian activity and sleep behaviors, representing another critical set of results in the manuscript. Notably, the WT+ALF and Fmr1 KO+ALF groups in Figure 7 underwent the same handling as the WT and Fmr1 KO groups in Figures 1 and 2, as no special treatments were applied to these mice. However, the daily patterns observed in Figures 7A, 7B, 7F, and 7G differ substantially from those shown in Figures 2B and 1A, respectively. Additionally, it is unclear why the WT+ALF and Fmr1 KO+ALF groups did not exhibit differences in Figures 7I and 7J, especially considering that Fmr1 KO mice displayed more sleep bouts but shorter bout lengths in Figures 1C and 1D.

Furthermore, it is not specified whether the results in Figure 7 were collected after two weeks of scheduled feeding (for how many days?) or if they represent the average data from the two-week treatment period.

The rationale behind analyzing "ZT 0-3 activity" in Figure 7D instead of the parameters shown in Figures 2C and 2D is also unclear.

In Figure 7F, some data points appear to be incorrectly plotted. For instance, the dark blue circle at ZT13 connects to the light blue circle at ZT14 and the dark blue circle at ZT17. This is inconsistent, as the dark blue circle at ZT13 should link to the dark blue circle at ZT14. Similarly, it is perplexing that the dark blue circle at ZT16 connects to both the light blue and dark blue circles at ZT17. Such errors undermine confidence in the data. The authors need to provide a clear explanation of how these data were processed.

Lastly, in the Figure 7 legend, Table 6 is cited; however, this appears to be incorrect. It seems the authors intended to refer to Table 7.

(6) Similar to the issue in Figure 7F, the data for day 12 in Supplemental Figure 2 includes two yellow triangles but lacks a green triangle. It is unclear how the authors constructed this chart, and clarification is needed.

(7) In Figure 8, a 5-trial test was used to assess the effect of scheduled feeding on social behaviors. It is essential to present the results for all trials (1 to 4). Additionally, it is unclear whether the results for familial mice in Figure 8A correspond to trials 1, 2, 3, or 4.
The legend for Figure 8 also appears to be incorrect: "The left panels show the time spent in social interactions when the second novel stranger mouse was introduced to the testing mouse in the 5-trial social interaction test. The significant differences were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Holm-Sidak's multiple comparisons test with feeding treatment and genotype as factors." This description does not align with the content of the left panels. Moreover, two-way ANOVA is not the appropriate statistical analysis for Figure 8A. The authors need to provide accurate details about the analysis and revise the figure legend accordingly.

(8) The circadian activity and sleep behaviors of Fmr1 KO mice have been reported previously, with some findings consistent with the current manuscript, while others contradict it. Although the authors acknowledge this discrepancy, it seems insufficiently thorough to simply state that the reasons for the conflicts are unknown. Did the studies use the same equipment for behavior recording? Were the same parameters used to define locomotor activity and sleep behaviors? The authors are encouraged to investigate these details further, as doing so may uncover something interesting or significant.

(9) Some subtitles in the Results section and the figure legends do not align well with the presented data. For example, in the section titled "Reduced rhythmic strength and nocturnality in the Fmr1 KOs," it is unclear how the authors justify the claim of altered nocturnality in Fmr1 KO mice. How do the authors define changes in nocturnality? Additionally, the tense used in the subtitles and figure legends is incorrect. The authors are encouraged to carefully review all subtitles and figure legends to correct these errors and enhance readability.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


In the present study, the authors, using a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome, explore the very interesting hypothesis that restricting food access over a daily schedule will improve sleep patterns and, subsequently, behavioral capacities. By restricting food access from 12h to 6h over the nocturnal period (active period for mice), they show, in these KO mice, an improvement of the sleep pattern accompanied by reduced systemic levels of inflammatory markers and improved behavior. Using a classical mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD), these data suggest that eating patterns might improve sleep quality, reduce inflammation and improve cognitive/behavioral capacities in children with NDD.


Overall, the paper is very well-written and easy to follow. The rationale of the study is generally well-introduced. The data are globally sound. The provided data support the interpretation overall.


(1) The introduction part is quite long in the Abstract, leaving limited space for the data provided by the present study.

(2) A couple of points are not totally clear for a non-expert reader:
- The Fmr1/Fxr2 double KO mice are not well described.
- What is the rationale for performing both LD and DD measures?

(3) The data on cytokines and chemokines are interesting. However, the rationale for the selection of these molecules is not given. In addition, these measures have been performed in the systemic blood. Measures in the brain could be very informative.

(4) An important question is the potential impact of fasting vs the impact of the food availability restriction. Indeed fasting has several effects on brain functioning including cognitive functions.

(5) How do the authors envision the potential translation of the present study to human patients? How to translate the 12 to 6 hours of food access in mice to children with Fragile X syndrome?

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation