Strip cropping designed for maintaining productivity increases ground beetle biodiversity

  1. Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
  2. Farming Systems Ecology, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
  3. Field Crops, Wageningen University & Research, Lelystad, The Netherlands

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Bernhard Schmid
    University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Senior Editor
    Sergio Rasmann
    University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


This study demonstrates that strip cropping enhances the taxonomic diversity of ground beetles across organically-managed crop systems in the Netherlands. In particular, strip cropping supported 15% more ground beetle species and 30% more individuals compared to monocultures.


A well-written study with well-analyzed data of a complex design. The data could have been analyzed differently e.g. by not pooling samples, but there are pros and cons for each type of analysis and I am convinced this will not affect the main findings. A strong point is that data were collected for 4 years. This is especially strong as most data on biodiversity in cropping systems are only collected for one or two seasons. Another strong point is that several crops were included.


This study focused on the biodiversity of ground beetles and did not examine crop productivity. Therefore, I disagree with the claim that this study demonstrates biodiversity enhancement without compromising yield. The authors should present results on yield or, at the very least, provide a stronger justification for this statement.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


The authors aimed to investigate the effects of organic strip cropping on carabid richness and density as well as on crop yields. They find on average higher carabid richness and density in strip cropping and organic farming, but not in all cases.


Based on highly resolved species-level carabid data, the authors present estimates for many different crop types, some of them rarely studied, at the same time. The authors did a great job investigating different aspects of the assemblages (although some questions remain concerning the analyses) and they present their results in a visually pleasing and intuitive way.


The authors used data from four different strip cropping experiments and there is no real replication in space as all of these differed in many aspects (different crops, different areas between years, different combinations, design of the strip cropping (orientation and width), sampling effort and sample sizes of beetles (differing more than 35 fold between sites; L 100f); for more differences see L 237ff). The reader gets the impression that the authors stitched data from various places together that were not made to fit together. This may not be a problem per se but it surely limits the strength of the data as results for various crops may only be based on small samples from one or two sites (it is generally unclear how many samples were used for each crop/crop combination).

One of my major concerns is that it is completely unclear where carabids were collected. As some strips were 3m wide, some others were 6m and the monoculture plots large, it can be expected that carabids were collected at different distances from the plot edge. This alone, however, was conclusively shown to affect carabid assemblages dramatically and could easily outweigh the differences shown here if not accounted for in the models (see e.g. Boetzl et al. (2024) or Knapp et al. (2019) among many other studies on within field-distributions of carabids).

The authors hint at a related but somewhat different problem in L 137ff - carabid assemblages sampled in strips were sampled in closer proximity to each other than assemblages in monoculture fields which is very likely a problem. The authors did not check whether their results are spatially autocorrelated and this shortcoming is hard to account for as it would have required a much bigger, spatially replicated design in which distances are maintained from the beginning. This limitation needs to be stated more clearly in the manuscript.

Similarly, we know that carabid richness and density depend strongly on crop type (see e.g. Toivonen et al. (2022)) which could have biased results if the design is not balanced (this information is missing but it seems to be the case, see e.g. Celeriac in Almere in 2022).

A more basic problem is that the reader neither learns where traps were located, how missing traps were treated for analyses how many samples there were per crop or crop combination (in a simple way, not through Table S7 - there has to have been a logic in each of these field trials) or why there are differences in the number of samples from the same location and year (see Table S7). This information needs to be added to the methods section.

As carabid assemblages undergo rapid phenological changes across the year, assemblages that are collected at different phenological points within and across years cannot easily be compared. The authors would need to standardize for this and make sure that the assemblages they analyze are comparable prior to analyses. Otherwise, I see the possibility that the reported differences might simply be biased by phenology.

Surrounding landscape structure is known to affect carabid richness and density and could thus also bias observed differences between treatments at the same locations (lower overall richness => lower differences between treatments). Landscape structure has not been taken into account in any way.

In the statistical analyses, it is unclear whether the authors used estimated marginal means (as they should) - this needs to be clarified.

In addition, and as mentioned by Dr. Rasmann in the previous round (comment 1), the manuscript, in its current form, still suffers from simplified generalizations that 'oversell' the impact of the study and should be avoided. The authors restricted their analyses to ground beetles and based their conclusions on a design with many 'heterogeneities' - they should not draw conclusions for farmland biodiversity but stick to their system and report what they found. Although I understand the authors have previously stated that this is 'not practically feasible', the reason for this comment is simply to say that the authors should not oversell their findings.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):


In this paper, the authors made a sincere effort to show the effects of strip cropping, a technique of alternating crops in small strips of several meters wide, on ground beetle diversity. They state that strip cropping can be a useful tool for bending the curve of biodiversity loss in agricultural systems as strip cropping shows a relative increase in species diversity (i.e. abundance and species richness) of the ground beetle communities compared to monocultures. Moreover, strip cropping has the added advantage of not having to compromise on agricultural yields.


The article is well written; it has an easily readable tone of voice without too much jargon or overly complicated sentence structure. Moreover, as far as reviewing the models in depth without raw data and R scripts allows, the statistical work done by the authors looks good. They have well thought out how to handle heterogenous, yet spatially and temporarily correlated field data. The models applied and the model checks performed are appropriate for the data at hand. Combining RDA and PCA axes together is a nice touch.


The evidence for strip cropping bringing added value for biodiversity is mixed at best. Yes, there is an increase in relative abundance and species richness at the field level, but it is not convincingly shown this difference is robust or can be linked to clear structural and hypothesised advantages of the strip cropping system. The same results could have been used to conclude that there are only very limited signs of real added value of strip cropping compared to monocultures.

There are a number of reasons for this:

(1) Significant differences disappear at crop level, as the authors themselves clearly acknowledge, meaning that there are no differences between pairs of similar crops in the strip cropping fields and their respective monoculture. This would mean the strips effectively function as "mini-monocultures". The significant relative differences at the field level could be an artifact of aggregation instead of structural differences between strip cropping and monocultures; with enough data points things tend to get significant despite large variance. This should have been elaborated further upon by the authors with additional analyses, designed to find out where differences originate and what it tells about the functioning of the system. Or it should have provided ample reason for cautioning in drawing conclusions about the supposed effectiveness of strip cropping based on these findings.

(2) The authors report percentages calculated as relative change of species richness and abundance in strip cropping compared to monocultures after rarefaction. This is in itself correct, however, it can be rather tricky to interpret because the perspective on actual species richness and abundance in the fields and treatments is completely lost; the reported percentages are dimensionless. The authors could have provided the average cumulative number of species and abundance after rarefaction. Also, range and/or standard error would have been useful to provide information as to the scale of differences between treatments. This could provide a new perspective on the magnitude of differences between the two treatments which a dimensionless percentage cannot.

(3) The authors appear to not have modelled the abundance of any of the dominant ground beetle species themselves. Therefore it becomes impossible to assess which important species are responsible (if any) for the differences found in activity density between stripcropping and monocultures and the possible life history traits related reasons for the differences, or lack thereof, that are found. A big advantage of using ground beetles is that many life history traits are well studied and these should be used whenever there is reason, as there clearly is in this case. Moreover, it is unclear which species are responsible for the difference in species richness found at the field level. Are these dominant species or singletons? Do the strip cropping fields contain species that are absent in the monoculture fields and are not the cause of random variation or sampling? Unfortunately, the authors do not report on any of these details of the communities that were found, which makes the results much less robust.

(4) In the discussion they conclude that there is only a limited amount of interstrip movement by ground beetles. Otherwise, the results of the crop-level statistical tests would have shown significant deviation from corresponding monocultures. This is a clear indication that the strips function more like mini-monocultures instead of being more than the sum of its parts.

(5) The RDA results show a modelled variable of differences in community composition between strip cropping and monoculture. Percentages of explained variation of the first RDA axis are extremely low, and even then, the effect of location and/or year appear to peak through (Figure S3), even though these are not part of the modelling. Moreover, there is no indication of clustering of strip cropping on the RDA axis, or in fact on the first principal component axis in the larger RDA models. This means the explanatory power of different treatments is also extremely low. The crop level RDA's show some clustering, but hardly any consistent pattern in either communities of crops or species correlations, indicating that differences between strip cropping and monocultures are very small.

Furthermore, there are a number of additional weaknesses in the paper that should be addressed:

The introduction lacks focus on the issues at hand. Too much space is taken up by facts on insect decline and land sharing vs. land sparing and not enough attention is spent on the scientific discussion underlying the statements made about crop diversification as a restoration strategy. They are simply stated as facts or as hypotheses with many references that are not mentioned or linked to in the text. An explicit link to the results found in the large number of references should be provided.

The mechanistic understanding of strip cropping is what is at stake here. Does strip cropping behave similarly to intercropping, a technique that has been proven to be beneficial to biodiversity because of added effects due to increased resource efficiency and greater plant species richness? This should be the main testing point and agenda of strip cropping. Do the biodiversity benefits that have been shown for intercropping also work in strip cropping fields? The ground beetles are one way to test this. Hypotheses should originate from this and should be stated clearly and mechanistically.

One could question how useful indicator species analysis (ISA) is for a study in which predominantly highly eurytopic species are found. These are by definition uncritical of their habitat. Is there any mechanistic hypothesis underlying a suspected difference to be found in preferences for either strip cropping or monocultures of the species that were expected to be caught? In other words, did the authors have any a priori reasons to suspect differences, or has this been an exploratory exercise from which unexplained significant results should be used with great caution?

However, setting these objections aside there are in fact significant results with strong species associations both with monocultures and strip cropping. Unfortunately, the authors do not dig deeper into the patterns found a posteriori either. Why would some species associate so strongly with strip cropping? Do these species show a pattern of pitfall catches that deviate from other species, in that they are found in a wide range of strips with different crops in one strip cropping field and therefore may benefit from an increased abundance of food or shelter? Also, why would so many species associate with monocultures? Is this in any way logical? Could it be an artifact of the data instead of a meaningful pattern? Unfortunately, the authors do not progress along these lines in the methods and discussion at all.

A second question raised in the introduction is whether the arable fields that form part of this study contain rare species. Unfortunately, the authors do not elaborate further on this. Do they expect rare species to be more prevalent in the strip cropping fields? Why? Has it been shown elsewhere that intercropping provides room for additional rare species?

Considering the implications the results of this research can have on the wider discussion of bending the curve and the effects of agroecological measures, bold claims should be made with extreme restraint and be based on extensive proof and robust findings. I am not convinced by the evidence provided in this article that the claim made by the authors that strip cropping is a useful tool for bending the curve of biodiversity loss is warranted.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation