Different sites on the landscape dictate change in epistasis differently.
(A) To determine the impact of mutation at locus X in changing the nature of epistasis between two mutations (indicated by a red circle and a green square), we took the following approach. For a particular pair of mutations, the six sites (indicated by N) were fixed, and the nature of epistasis recorded before and after a mutation at X. This process was repeated for all 46 backgrounds, and the fraction of genomes in which, upon introduction of a mutation at X, epistasis between the mutations (red circle and green square) changed, was noted. This gives us f, as indicated in the Figure. This process was repeated for all possible pairs of mutations (red circle and green square); giving a distribution of f for locus X. This distribution of f is shown in (B) for high fitness backgrounds and (C) for low fitness backgrounds. Functionally important sites (4 and 5) cause change in epistasis more frequently than others.