Author response:
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work shows that a specific adenosine deaminase protein in Dictyostelium generates the ammonia that is required for tip formation during Dictyostelium development. Cells with an insertion in the ADGF gene aggregate but do not form tips. A remarkable result, shown in several different ways, is that the ADGF mutant can be rescued by exposing the mutant to ammonia gas. The authors also describe other phenotypes of the ADGF mutant such as increased mound size, altered cAMP signalling, and abnormal cell type differentiation. It appears that the ADGF mutant has defects in the expression of a large number of genes, resulting in not only the tip defect but also the mound size, cAMP signalling, and differentiation phenotypes.
The data and statistics are excellent.
(1) The key weakness is understanding why the cells bother to use a diffusible gas like ammonia as a signal to form a tip and continue development.
Ammonia serves as a crucial signalling molecule influencing both multicellular organization and differentiation in Dictyostelium (Francis, 1964; Bonner et al., 1989; Bradbury and Gross, 1989). Ammonia by raising the pH of the intracellular acidic vesicles of prestalk cells (Poole and Ohkuma, 1981; Gross et al, 1983), and the cytoplasm, is known to increase the speed of chemotaxing amoebae (Siegert and Weijer 1989; Van Duijn and Inouye, 1991), triggering multicellular movement (Bonner et al., 1988, 1989), favoring tipped mound development. The slug tip is known to release ammonia and the slime sheath at the back of the slug prevents diffusion (Bonner et al., 1989) and thus high ammonia levels at the back, help prespore differentiation (Newell et al., 1969). Ammonia favors slug migration than fruiting (Schindler and Sussman, 1977) and thus, ammonia coming from the tip may favor synchronized development of the entire colony. The tip exerts negative chemotaxis towards ammonia probably helping the slugs to move away from each other ensuring equal spacing of the fruiting bodies (Feit and Sollitto, 1987).
Ammonia released in pulses acts as a long-distance signalling molecule between colonies of yeast cells indicating depletion of nutrient resources and promoting synchronous development (Palkova et al., 1997; Palkova and Forstova, 2000). Similarly, ammonia diffusion may influence neighboring Dictyostelium colonies. Ammonia produced in millimolar concentrations (Schindler and Sussman, 1977) could ward off other predators in soil. For instance, ammonia released by Streptomyces symbionts of leaf-cutting ants is known to inhibit fungal pathogens (Dhodary and Spiteller, 2021). Additionally, ammonia recycling into amino acids, as observed in breast cancer proliferation (Spinelli et al., 2017), may also occur in starving Dictyostelium cells, supporting survival and differentiation. These findings suggest that ammonia acts as both a local and long-range regulatory signal, integrating environmental and cellular cues to coordinate multicellular development.
(2) The rescue of the mutant by adding ammonia gas to the entire culture indicates that ammonia conveys no positional information within the mound.
Ammonia is known to influence rapid patterning of Dictyostelium cells confined in a restricted environment (Sawai et al., 2002). Both neutral red staining (a marker for prestalk and ALCs) (Fig. S2) and the prestalk marker ecmA/ ecmB expression (Fig. 8C) in the adgf mutants suggest that the mounds have differentiated prestalk cells but are blocked in development. The mound arrest phenotype can be reversed by exposing the adgf mutant mounds to ammonia.
Based on cell cycle phases, there exists a dichotomy of cell types, that biases cell fate as prestalk or prespore (Weeks and Weijer, 1994; Jang and Gomer, 2011). Prestalk cells are enriched in acidic vesicles, and ammonia, by raising the pH of these vesicles and the cytoplasm (Davies et al 1993; Van Duijn and Inouye 1991), plays an active role in collective cell movement (Bonner et al., 1989). Thus, ammonia reinforces or maintains the positional information by elevating cAMP levels, favoring prespore differentiation (Bradbury and Gross, 1989; Riley and Barclay, 1990; Hopper et al., 1993).
(3) By the time the cells have formed a mound, the cells have been starving for several hours, and desperately need to form a fruiting body to disperse some of themselves as spores, and thus need to form a tip no matter what.
When the adgf mutants were exposed to ammonia just after tight mound formation, tips developed within 4 h (Fig. 6). In contrast, adgf mounds, not exposed to ammonia remained at the mound stage for at least 30 h. This demonstrates that starvation alone is not sufficient to drive tip development and ammonia serves as a cue that promotes the transition from mound to tipped mound formation.
Many mound arrest mutants are blocked in development and do not proceed to form fruiting bodies (Carrin et al., 1994). Further, not all the mound arrest mutants tested in this study were rescued by ADA enzyme (Fig. S3 A), and they continue to stay as mounds without dispersing as spores.
(4) One can envision that the local ammonia concentration is possibly informing the mound that some minimal number of cells are present (assuming that the ammonia concentration is proportional to the number of cells), but probably even a minuscule fruiting body would be preferable to the cells compared to a mound. This latter idea could be easily explored by examining the fate of the ADGF cells in the mound - do they all form spores? Do some form spores?
Or perhaps the ADGF is secreted by only one cell type, and the resulting ammonia tells the mound that for some reason that cell type is not present in the mound, allowing some of the cells to transdifferentiate into the needed cell type. Thus, elucidating if all or some cells produce ADGF would greatly strengthen this puzzling story.
A fraction of adgf mounds form bulkier spore heads by the end of 36 h as shown in Fig. 3. This late recovery may be due to the expression of other ADA isoforms. Mixing WT and adgf mutant cell lines results in a slug with the mutants occupying the prestalk region (Fig. 9) suggesting that WT ADGF favours prespore differentiation. However, it is not clear if ADGF is secreted by a particular cell type, as adenosine can be produced by both cell types, and the activity of three other intracellular ADAs may vary between the cell types. To address whether adgf expression is cell type-specific, prestalk and prespore cells will be isolated, and thereafter, adgf expression in each population will be examined.
ADGF activity is likely to be higher in the tip to remove excess adenosine, the tip-inhibiting molecule (Wang and Schaap, 1985), and our results also show that adgf - cells with high adenosine preferentially migrate to the prestalk than the prespore region when mixed with WT cells. Ammonia generated from adenosine deamination could thus drive tip development and prespore differentiation.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The paper describes new insights into the role of adenosine deaminase-related growth factor (ADGF), an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of adenosine into ammonia and inosine, in tip formation during Dictyostelium development. The ADGF null mutant has a pre-tip mound arrest phenotype, which can be rescued by the external addition of ammonia. Analysis suggests that the phenotype involves changes in cAMP signalling possibly involving a histidine kinase dhkD, but details remain to be resolved.
The generation of an ADGF mutant showed a strong mound arrest phenotype and successful rescue by external ammonia. Characterization of significant changes in cAMP signalling components, suggesting low cAMP signalling in the mutant and identification of the histidine kinase dhkD as a possible component of the transduction pathway. Identification of a change in cell type differentiation towards prestalk fate
(1) Lack of details on the developmental time course of ADGF activity and cell type type-specific differences in ADGF expression.
ADGF expression was examined at 0, 8, 12, and 16 h (Fig. 1), and the total ADA activity was assayed at 12 and 16 h (Fig. 4). Previously, the 12 h data was not included, but it has now been added (Fig. 4A). The adgf expression was found to be highest at 16 h and hence, the ADA assay was carried out at that time point. Since the ADA assay will also report the activity of other three isoforms, it will not exclusively reflect ADGF activity.
A fraction of adgf - mounds form bulkier spore heads by the end of 36 h as shown in Fig. 3. This late recovery may be due to the expression of the other ADA isoforms. Mixing WT and adgf mutant cell lines results in a slug with the mutants occupying the prestalk region (Fig. 9) suggesting that WT adgf favours prespore differentiation. However, it’s not clear if ADGF is secreted by a particular cell type, as adenosine can be produced by both cell types, and the activity of the other three intracellular ADAs may vary between the cell types. To address whether adgf expression is cell type-specific, prestalk and prespore cells will be isolated, and thereafter, adgf expression in each population will be examined.
ADGF activity is likely to be higher in the tip to remove excess adenosine, the tip-inhibiting molecule (Wang and Schaap, 1985), and our results also show that adgf - cells with high adenosine preferentially migrate to the prestalk than the prespore region when mixed with WT cells.
(2) The absence of measurements to show that ammonia addition to the null mutant can rescue the proposed defects in cAMP signalling.
The cAMP levels were measured at two time points 8 h and 12 h in the mutant. The adgf mutant in comparison to WT has lower ammonia levels (Fig. 6), diminished acaA expression (Fig. 7) and reduced cAMP levels (Fig. 7) both at 12 and 16 h of development. Ammonia is known to increase cAMP levels (Riley and Barclay, 1990; Feit et al., 2001). Thus, ammonia addition to the mutant is likely to increase acaA expression, thus increase cAMP levels (Riley and Barclay, 1990; Feit et al., 2001) thereby rescuing the defects in cAMP signalling.
(3) No direct measurements in the dhkD mutant to show that it acts upstream of adgf in the control of changes in cAMP signalling and tip formation.
The histidine kinases dhkD and dhkC are reported to modulate phosphodiesterase RegA activity, thereby maintaining cAMP levels (Singleton et al., 1998; Singleton and Xiong, 2013). By activating RegA, dhkD ensures proper cAMP distribution within the mound, which is essential for the patterning of prestalk and prespore cells, as well as for tip formation (Singleton and Xiong, 2013). Therefore, ammonia exposure to dhkD mutants is likely to regulate cAMP signalling and thereby tip formation.