Crossover in Aromatic Amino Acid Interaction Strength: Tyrosine vs. Phenylalanine in Biomolecular Condensates

  1. Polimero eta Material Aurreratuak: Fisika, Kimika eta Teknologia, Kimika Fakultatea, UPV/EHU & Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Rosana Collepardo
    University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Qiang Cui
    Boston University, Boston, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):

This is an interesting and timely computational study using molecular dynamics simulation as well as quantum mechanical calculation to address why tyrosine (Y), as part of an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) sequence, has been observed experimentally to be stronger than phenylalanine (F) as a promoter for biomolecular phase separation. Notably, the authors identified the aqueous nature of the condensate environment and the corresponding dielectric and hydrogen bonding effects as a key to understanding the experimentally observed difference. This principle is illustrated by the difference in computed transfer free energy of Y- and F-containing pentapeptides into a solvent with various degrees of polarity. The elucidation offered by this work is important. The computation appears to be carefully executed, the results are valuable, and the discussion is generally insightful. However, there is room for improvement in some parts of the presentation in terms of accuracy and clarity, including, e.g., the logic of the narrative should be clarified with additional information (and possibly additional computation), and the current effort should be better placed in the context of prior relevant theoretical and experimental works on cation-π interactions in biomolecules and dielectric properties of biomolecular condensates. Accordingly, this manuscript should be revised to address the following, with added discussion as well as inclusion of references mentioned below.

(1) Page 2, line 61: "Coarse-grained simulation models have failed to account for the greater propensity of arginine to promote phase separation in Ddx4 variants with Arg to Lys mutations (Das et al., 2020)". As it stands, this statement is not accurate, because the cited reference to Das et al. showed that although some coarse-grained models, namely the HPS model of Dignon et al., 2018 PLoS Comput did not capture the Arg to Lys trend, the KH model described in the same Dignon et al. paper was demonstrated by Das et al. (2020) to be capable of mimicking the greater propensity of Arg to promote phase separation than Lys. Accordingly, a possible minimal change that would correct the inaccuracy of this statement in the manuscript would be to add the word "Some" in front of "coarse-grained simulation models ...", i.e., it should read "Some coarse-grained simulation models have failed ...". In fact, a subsequent work [Wessén et al., J Phys Chem B 126: 9222-9245 (2022)] that applied the Mpipi interaction parameters (Joseph et al., 2021, already cited in the manuscript) showed that Mpipi is capable of capturing the rank ordering of phase separation propensity of Ddx4 variants, including a charge scrambled variant as well as both the Arg to Lys and the Phe to Ala variants (see Figure 11a of the above-cited Wessén et al. 2022 reference). The authors may wish to qualify their statements in the introduction to take note of these prior results. For example, they may consider adding a note immediately after the next sentence in the manuscript "However, by replacing the hydrophobicity scales ... (Das et al., 2020)" to refer to these subsequent findings in 2021-2022.

(2) Page 8, lines 285-290 (as well as the preceding discussion under the same subheading & Figure 4): "These findings suggest that ... is not primarily driven by differences in protein-protein interaction patterns ..." The authors' logic in terms of physical explanation is somewhat problematic here. In this regard, "Protein-protein interaction patterns" appear to be a straw man, so to speak. Indeed, who (reference?) has argued that the difference in the capability of Y and F in promoting phase separation should be reflected in the pairwise amino acid interaction pattern in a condensate that contains either only Y (and G, S) and only F (and G, S) but not both Y and F? Also, this paragraph in the manuscript seems to suggest that the authors' observation of similar contact patterns in the GSY and GSF condensates is "counterintuitive" given the difference in Y-Y and F-F potentials of mean force (Joseph et al., 2021); but there is nothing particularly counterintuitive about that. The two sets of observations are not mutually exclusive. For instance, consider two different homopolymers, one with a significantly stronger monomer-monomer attraction than the other. The condensates for the two different homopolymers will have essentially the same contact pattern but very different stabilities (different critical temperatures), and there is nothing surprising about it. In other words, phase separation propensity is not "driven" by contact pattern in general, it's driven by interaction (free) energy. The relevant issue here is total interaction energy or the critical point of the phase separation. If it is computationally feasible, the authors should attempt to determine the critical temperatures for the GSY condensate versus the GSF condensate to verify that the GSY condensate has a higher critical temperature than the GSF condensate. That would be the most relevant piece of information for the question at hand.

(3) Page 9, lines 315-316: "...Our ε [relative permittivity] values ... are surprisingly close to that derived from experiment on Ddx4 condensates (45{plus minus}13) (Nott et al., 2015)". For accuracy, it should be noted here that the relative permittivity provided in the supplementary information of Nott et al. was not a direct experimental measurement but based on a fit using Flory-Huggins (FH), but FH is not the most appropriate theory for a polymer with long-spatial-range Coulomb interactions. To this reviewer's knowledge, no direct measurement of relative permittivity in biomolecular condensates has been made to date. Explicit-water simulation suggests that the relative permittivity of Ddx4 condensate with protein volume fraction ≈ 0.4 can have a relative permittivity ≈ 35-50 (Das et al., PNAS 2020, Fig.7A), which happens to agree with the ε = 45{plus minus}13 estimate. This information should be useful to include in the authors' manuscript.

(4) As for the dielectric environment within biomolecular condensates, coarse-grained simulation has suggested that whereas condensates formed by essentially electric neutral polymers (as in the authors' model systems) have relative permittivities intermediate between that of bulk water and that of pure protein (ε = 2-4, or at most 15), condensates formed by highly charged polymers can have relative permittivity higher than that of bulk water [Wessén et al., J Phys Chem B 125:4337-4358 (2021), Fig.14 of this reference]. In view of the role of aromatic residues (mainly Y and F) in the phase separation of IDPs such as A1-LCD and LAF-1 that contain positively and negatively charged residues (Martin et al., 2020; Schuster et al., 2020, already cited in the manuscript), it should be useful to address briefly how the relationship between the relative phase-separation promotion strength of Y vs F and dielectric environment of the condensate may or may not be change with higher relative permittivities.

(5) The authors applied the dipole moment fluctuation formula (Eq.2 in the manuscript) to calculate relative permittivity in their model condensates. Does this formula apply only to an isotropic environment? The authors' model condensates were obtained from a "slab" approach (page 4 and thus the simulation box has a rectangular geometry. Did the authors apply Equation 2 to the entire simulation box or only to the central part of the box with the condensate (see, e.g., Figure 3C in the manuscript). If the latter is the case, is it necessary to use a different dipole moment formula that distinguishes between the "parallel" and "perpendicular" components of the dipole moment (see, e.g., Equation 16 in the above-cited Wessén et al. 2021 paper). A brief added comment will be useful.

(6) With regard to the general role of Y and F in the phase separation of biomolecules containing positively charged Arg and Lys residues, the relative strength of cation-π interactions (cation-Y vs cation-F) should be addressed (in view of the generality implied by the title of the manuscript), or at least discussed briefly in the authors' manuscript if a detailed study is beyond the scope of their current effort. It has long been known that in the biomolecular context, cation-Y is slightly stronger than cation-F, whereas cation-tryptophan (W) is significantly stronger than either cation-Y and cation-F [Wu & McMahon, JACS 130:12554-12555 (2008)]. Experimental data from a study of EWS (Ewing sarcoma) transactivation domains indicated that Y is a slightly stronger promoter than F for transcription, whereas W is significantly stronger than either Y or F [Song et al., PLoS Comput Biol 9:e1003239 (2013)]. In view of the subsequent general recognition that "transcription factors activate genes through the phase-separation capacity of their activation domain" [Boija et al., Cell 175:1842-1855.e16 (2018)] which is applicable to EWS in particular [Johnson et al., JACS 146:8071-8085 (2024)], the experimental data in Song et al. 2013 (see Figure 3A of this reference) suggests that cation-Y interactions are stronger than cation-F interactions in promoting phase separation, thus generalizing the authors' observations (which focus primarily on Y-Y, Y-F and F-F interactions) to most situations in which cation-Y and cation-F interactions are relevant to biomolecular condensation.

(7) Page 9: The observation of weaker effective F-F (and a few other nonpolar-nonpolar) interactions in a largely aqueous environment (as in an IDP condensate) than in a nonpolar environment (as in the core of a folded protein) is intimately related to (and expected from) the long-recognized distinction between "bulk" and "pair" as well as size dependence of hydrophobic effects that have been addressed in the context of protein folding [Wood & Thompson, PNAS 87:8921-8927 (1990); Shimizu & Chan, JACS 123:2083-2084 (2001); Proteins 49:560-566 (2002)]. It will be useful to add a brief pointer in the current manuscript to this body of relevant resources in protein science.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


In this preprint, De Sancho and López use alchemical molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanical calculations to elucidate the origin of the observed preference of Tyr over Phe in phase separation. The paper is well written, and the simulations conducted are rigorous and provide good insight into the origin of the differences between the two aromatic amino acids considered.


The study addresses a fundamental discrepancy in the field of phase separation where the predicted ranking of aromatic amino acids observed experimentally is different from their anticipated rankings when considering contact statistics of folded proteins. While the hypothesis that the difference in the microenvironment of the condensed phase and hydrophobic core of folded proteins underlies the different observations, this study provides a quantification of this effect. Further, the demonstration of the crossover between Phe and Tyr as a function of the dielectric is interesting and provides further support for the hypothesis that the differing microenvironments within the condensed phase and the core of folded proteins is the origin of the difference between contact statistics and experimental observations in phase separation literature. The simulations performed in this work systematically investigate several possible explanations and therefore provide depth to the paper.


While the study is quite comprehensive and the paper well written, there are a few instances that would benefit from additional details. In the methods section, it is unclear as to whether the GGXGG peptides upon which the alchemical transforms are conducted are positioned restrained within the condensed/dilute phase or not. If they are not, how would the position of the peptides within the condensate alter the calculated free energies reported? It would also be interesting to see what the variation in the transfer of free energy is across multiple independent replicates of the transform to assess the convergence of the simulations. Additionally, since the authors use a slab for the calculation of these free energies, are the transfer free energies from the dilute phase to the interface significantly different from those calculated from the dilute phase to the interior of the condensate? The authors mention that the contact statistics of Phe and Tyr do not show significant difference and thereby conclude that the more favorable transfer of Tyr primarily originates from the dielectric of the condensate. However, the calculation of contacts neglects the differences in the strength of interactions involving Phe vs. Tyr. Though the authors consider the calculation of energy contact formation later in the manuscript, the scope of these interactions are quite limited (Phe-Phe, Tyr-Tyr, Tyr-Amide, Phe-Amide) which is not sufficient to make a universal conclusion regarding the underlying driving forces. A more appropriate statement would be that in the context of the minimal peptide investigated the driving force seems to be the difference in dielectric. However, it is worth mentioning that the authors do a good job of mentioning some of these caveats in the discussion section.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):


In this study, the authors address the paradox of how tyrosine can act as a stronger sticker for phase separation than phenylalanine, despite phenylalanine being higher on the hydrophobicity scale and exhibiting more prominent pairwise contact statistics in folded protein structures compared to tyrosine.


This is a fascinating problem for the protein science community with special relevance for the biophysical condensate community. Using atomistic simulations of simple model peptides and condensates as well as quantum calculations, the authors provide an explanation that relies on the dielectric constant of the medium and the hydration level that either tyrosine or phenylalanine can achieve in highly hydrophobic vs. hydrophilic media. The authors find that as the dielectric constant decreases, phenylalanine becomes a stronger sticker than tyrosine. The conclusions of the paper seem to be solid, it is well-written and it also recognises the limitations of the study. Overall, the paper represents an important contribution to the field.


How can the authors ensure that a condensate of GSY or GSF peptides is a representative environment of a protein condensate? First, the composition in terms of amino acids is highly limited, second the effect of peptide/protein length compared to real protein sequences is also an issue, and third, the water concentration within these condensates is really low as compared to real experimental condensates. Hence, how can we rely on the extracted conclusions from these condensates to be representative for real protein sequences with a much more complex composition and structural behaviour?

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation