Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorDouglas PortmanUniversity of Rochester, Rochester, United States of America
- Senior EditorClaude DesplanNew York University, New York, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper concerns mechanisms of foraging behavior in C. elegans. Upon removal from food, C. elegans first executes a stereotypical local search behavior in which it explores a small area by executing many random, undirected reversals and turns called "reorientations." If the worm fails to find food, it transitions to a global search in which it explores larger areas by suppressing reorientations and executing long forward runs (Hills et al., 2004). At the population level, the reorientation rate declines gradually. Nevertheless, about 50% of individual worms appear to exhibit an abrupt transition between local and global search, which is evident as a discrete transition from high to low reorientation rate (Lopez-Cruz et al., 2019). This observation has given rise to the hypothesis that local and global search correspond to separate internal states with the possibility of sudden transitions between them (Calhoun et al., 2014). The main conclusion of the paper is that it is not necessary to posit distinct internal states to account for discrete transitions from high to low reorientation rates. On the contrary, discrete transitions can occur simply because of the stochastic nature of the reorientation behavior itself.
The strength of the paper is the demonstration that a more parsimonious model explains abrupt transitions in the reorientation rate.
(1) Use of the Gillespie algorithm is not well justified. A conventional model with a fixed dt and an exponentially decaying reorientation rate would be adequate and far easier to explain. It would also be sufficiently accurate - given the appropriate choice of dt - to support the main claims of the paper, which are merely qualitative. In some respects, the whole point of the paper - that discrete transitions are an epiphenomenon of stochastic behavior - can be made with the authors' version of the model having a constant reorientation rate (Figure 2f).
(2) In the manuscript, the Gillespie algorithm is very poorly explained, even for readers who already understand the algorithm; for those who do not it will be essentially impossible to comprehend. To take just a few examples: in Equation (1), omega is defined as reorientations instead of cumulative reorientations; it is unclear how (4) follows from (2) and (3); notation in (5), line 133, and (7) is idiosyncratic. Figure 1a does not help, partly because the notation is unexplained. For example, what do the arrows mean, what does "*" mean?
(3) In the model, the reorientation rate dΩ⁄dt declines to zero but the empirical rate clearly does not. This is a major flaw. It would have been easy to fix by adding a constant to the exponentially declining rate in (1). Perhaps fixing this obvious problem would mitigate the discrepancies between the data and the model in Figure 2d.
(4) Evidence that the model fits the data (Figure 2d) is unconvincing. I would like to have seen the proportion of runs in which the model generated one as opposed to multiple or no transitions in reorientation rate; in the real data, the proportion is 50% (Lopez). It is claimed that the "model demonstrated a continuum of switching to non-switching behavior" as seen in the experimental data but no evidence is provided.
(5) The explanation for the poor fit between the model and data (lines 166-174) is unclear. Why would externally triggered collisions cause a shift in the transition distribution?
(6) The discussion of Levy walks and the accompanying figure are off-topic and should be deleted.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, the authors build a statistical model that stochastically samples from a time-interval distribution of reorientation rates. The form of the distribution is extracted from a large array of behavioral data, and is then used to describe not only the dynamics of individual worms (including the inter-individual variability in behavior), but also the aggregate population behavior. The authors note that the model does not require assumptions about behavioral state transitions, or evidence accumulation, as has been done previously, but rather that the stochastic nature of behavior is "simply the product of stochastic sampling from an exponential function".
This model provides a strong juxtaposition to other foraging models in the worm. Rather than evoking a behavioral transition function (that might arise from a change in internal state or the activity of a cell type in the network), or evidence accumulation (which again maps onto a cell type, or the activity of a network) - this model explains behavior via the stochastic sampling of a function of an exponential decay. The underlying model and the dynamics being simulated, as well as the process of stochastic sampling, are well described and the model fits the exponential function (Equation 1) to data on a large array of worms exhibiting diverse behaviors (1600+ worms from Lopez-Cruz et al). The work of this study is able to explain or describe the inter-individual diversity of worm behavior across a large population. The model is also able to capture two aspects of the reorientations, including the dynamics (to switch or not to switch) and the kinetics (slow vs fast reorientations). The authors also work to compare their model to a few others including the Levy walk (whose construction arises from a Markov process) to a simple exponential distribution, all of which have been used to study foraging and search behaviors.
This manuscript has two weaknesses that dampen the enthusiasm for the results. First, in all of the examples the authors cite where a Gillespie algorithm is used to sample from a distribution, be it the kinetics associated with chemical dynamics, or a Lotka-Volterra Competition Model, there are underlying processes that govern the evolution of the dynamics, and thus the sampling from distributions. In one of their references, for instance, the stochasticity arises from the birth and death rates, thereby influencing the genetic drift in the model. In these examples, the process governing the dynamics (and thus generating the distributions from which one samples) is distinct from the behavior being studied. In this manuscript, the distribution being sampled is the exponential decay function of the reorientation rate (lines 100-102). This appears to be tautological - a decay function fitted to the reorientation data is then sampled to generate the distributions of the reorientation data. That the model performs well and matches the data is commendable, but it is unclear how that could not be the case if the underlying function generating the distribution was fit to the data.
The second weakness is somewhat related to the first, in that absent an underlying mechanism or framework, one is left wondering what insight the model provides. Stochastic sampling a function generated by fitting the data to produce stochastic behavior is where one ends up in this framework, and the authors indeed point this out: "simple stochastic models should be sufficient to explain observably stochastic behaviors." (Line 233-234). But if that is the case, what do we learn about how the foraging is happening? The authors suggest that the decay parameter M can be considered a memory timescale; which offers some suggestion, but then go on to say that the "physical basis of M can come from multiple sources". Here is where one is left for want: The mechanisms suggested, including loss of sensory stimuli, alternations in motor integration, ionotropic glutamate signaling, dopamine, and neuropeptides are all suggested: these are basically all of the possible biological sources that can govern behavior, and one is left not knowing what insight the model provides. The array of biological processes listed is so variable in dynamics and meaning, that their explanation of what governs M is at best unsatisfying. Molecular dynamics models that generate distributions can point to certain properties of the model, such as the binding kinetics (on and off rates, etc.) as explanations for the mechanisms generating the distributions, and therefore point to how a change in the biology affects the stochasticity of the process. It is unclear how this model provides such a connection, especially taken in aggregate with the previous weakness.
Providing a roadmap of how to think about the processes generating M, the meaning of those processes in search, and potential frameworks that are more constrained and with more precise biological underpinning (beyond the array of possibilities described) would go a long way to assuaging the weaknesses.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This intriguing paper addresses a special case of a fundamental statistical question: how to distinguish between stochastic point processes that derive from a single "state" (or single process) and more than one state/process. In the language of the paper, a "state" (perhaps more intuitively called a strategy/process) refers to a set of rules that determine the temporal statistics of the system. The rules give rise to probability distributions (here, the probability for turning events). The difficulty arises when the sampling time is finite, and hence, the empirical data is finite, and affected by the sampling of the underlying distribution(s). The specific problem being tackled is the foraging behavior of C. elegans nematodes, removed from food. Such foraging has been studied for decades, and described by a transition over time from 'local'/'area-restricted' search'(roughly in the initial 10-30 minutes of the experiments, in which animals execute frequent turns) to 'dispersion', or 'global search' (characterized by a low frequency of turns). The authors propose an alternative to this two-state description - a potentially more parsimonious single 'state' with time-changing parameters, which they claim can account for the full-time course of these observations.
Figure 1a shows the mean rate of turning events as a function of time (averaged across the population). Here, we see a rapid transient, followed by a gradual 4-5 fold decay in the rate, and then levels off. This picture seems consistent with the two-state description. However, the authors demonstrate that individual animals exhibit different "transition" statistics (Figure 1e) and wish to explain this. They do so by fitting this mean with a single function (Equations 1-3).
As a qualitative exercise, the paper might have some merit. It demonstrates that apparently discrete states can sometimes be artifacts of sampling from smoothly time-changing dynamics. However, as a generic point, this is not novel, and so without the grounding in C. elegans data, is less interesting.
(1) The authors claim that only about half the animals tested exhibit discontinuity in turning rates. Can they automatically separate the empirical and model population into these two subpopulations (with the same method), and compare the results?
(2) The equations consider an exponentially decaying rate of turning events. If so, Figure 2b should be shown on a semi-logarithmic scale.
(3) The variables in Equations 1-3 and the methods for simulating them are not well defined, making the method difficult to follow. Assuming my reading is correct, Omega should be defined as the cumulative number of turning events over time (Omega(t)), not as a "turn" or "reorientation", which has no derivative. The relevant entity in Figure 1a is apparently , i.e. the mean number of events across a population which can be modelled by an expectation value. The time derivative would then give the expected rate of turning events as a function of time.
(4) Equations 1-3 are cryptic. The authors need to spell out up front that they are using a pair of coupled stochastic processes, sampling a hidden state M (to model the dynamic turning rate) and the actual turn events, Omega(t), separately, as described in Figure 2a. In this case, the model no longer appears more parsimonious than the original 2-state model. What then is its benefit or explanatory power (especially since the process involving M is not observable experimentally)?
(5) Further, as currently stated in the paper, Equations 1-3 are only for the mean rate of events. However, the expectation value is not a complete description of a stochastic system. Instead, the authors need to formulate the equations for the probability of events, from which they can extract any moment (they write something in Figure 2a, but the notation there is unclear, and this needs to be incorporated here).
(6) Equations 1-3 have three constants (alpha and gamma which were fit to the data, and M0 which was presumably set to 1000). How does the choice of M0 affect the results?
(7) M decays to near 0 over 40 minutes, abolishing omega turns by the end of the simulations. Are omega turns entirely abolished in worms after 30-40 minutes off food? How do the authors reconcile this decay with the leveling of the turning rate in Figure 1a?
(8) The fit given in Figure 2b does not look convincing. No statistical test was used to compare the two functions (empirical and fit). No error bars were given (to either). These should be added. In the discussion, the authors explain the discrepancy away as experimental limitations. This is not unreasonable, but on the flip side, makes the argument inconclusive. If the authors could model and simulate these limitations, and show that they account for the discrepancies with the data, the model would be much more compelling. To do this, I would imagine that the authors would need to take the output of their model (lists of turning times) and convert them into simulated trajectories over time. These trajectories could be used to detect boundary events (for a given size of arena), collisions between individuals, etc. in their simulations and to see their effects on the turn statistics.
(9) The other figures similarly lack any statistical tests and by eye, they do not look convincing. The exception is the 6 anecdotal examples in Figure 2e. Those anecdotal examples match remarkably closely, almost suspiciously so. I'm not sure I understood this though - the caption refers to "different" models of M decay (and at least one of the 6 examples clearly shows a much shallower exponential). If different M models are allowed for each animal, this is no longer parsimonious. Are the results in Figure 2d for a single M model? Can Figure 2e explain the data with a single (stochastic) M model?
(10) The left axes of Figure 2e should be reverted to cumulative counts (without the normalization).
(11) The authors give an alternative model of a Levy flight, but do not give the obvious alternative models:
a) the 1-state model in which P(t) = alpha exp (-gamma t) dt (i.e. a single stochastic process, without a hidden M, collapsing equations 1-3 into a single equation).
b) the originally proposed 2-state model (with 3 parameters, a high turn rate, a low turn rate, and the local-to-global search transition time, which can be taken from the data, or sampled from the empirical probability distributions). Why not? The former seems necessary to justify the more complicated 2-process model, and the latter seems necessary since it's the model they are trying to replace. Including these two controls would allow them to compare the number of free parameters as well as the model results. I am also surprised by the Levy model since Levy is a family of models. How were the parameters of the Levy walk chosen?
(12) One point that is entirely missing in the discussion is the individuality of worms. It is by now well known that individual animals have individual behaviors. Some are slow/fast, and similarly, their turn rates vary. This makes this problem even harder. Combined with the tiny number of events concerned (typically 20-40 per experiment), it seems daunting to determine the underlying model from behavioral statistics alone.
(13) That said, it's well-known which neurons underpin the suppression of turning events (starting already with Gray et al 2005, which, strangely, was not cited here). Some discussion of the neuronal predictions for each of the two (or more) models would be appropriate.
(14) An additional point is the reliance entirely on simulations. A rigorous formulation (of the probability distribution rather than just the mean) should be analytically tractable (at least for the first moment, and possibly higher moments). If higher moments are not obtainable analytically, then the equations should be numerically integrable. It seems strange not to do this.
In summary, while sample simulations do nicely match the examples in the data (of discontinuous vs continuous turning rates), this is not sufficient to demonstrate that the transition from ARS to dispersion in C. elegans is, in fact, likely to be a single 'state', or this (eq 1-3) single state. Of course, the model can be made more complicated to better match the data, but the approach of the authors, seeking an elegant and parsimonious model, is in principle valid, i.e. avoiding a many-parameter model-fitting exercise.
As a qualitative exercise, the paper might have some merit. It demonstrates that apparently discrete states can sometimes be artifacts of sampling from smoothly time-changing dynamics. However, as a generic point, this is not novel, and so without the grounding in C. elegans data, is less interesting.