Identification of inclusions and HTT molecular species in Q175 mice.
(A) IHC detects age-dependent increase in the number of mHTT inclusions. Brain sections from 6-mo- and 10-mo-old WT and Q175 mice were processed for IHC with antibody mEM48 (MAB5374) directed against mHTT (A). Images from sections without (A1-3) or with (A4) a cresyl violet counterstain are shown where the dark-brown puncta represent mHTT-positive inclusions. Arrowheads depict neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NIIs), determined with the assistance from the nuclear labeling by cresyl violet, while arrows indicate extranuclear inclusions, primarily the neuritic inclusion in the neuropil. Bars = 20 μm.
(B) mHTT inclusions are detected in nucleus, dendrites and axons of Q175 brains by IEM. Sagittal vibratome brain sections of 17-mo-old Q175 were cut and went through EM processing. Small blocks were obtained from the striatal areas for ultrathin sectioning. Tissue containing grids were processed for immunogold labeling procedure with antibody mEM48, using 10 nm gold followed by silver enhancement. Structures showing high level of silver-enhanced gold labeling were considered as mHTT-positive.
(C) Various forms of HTT molecules are detected with different antibodies by immunoblotting. Equal amounts of proteins from hemibrain homogenates of 17-mo-old WT, TRGL, Q175 and TRGL/Q175 (labeled as “Cross”) were subjected to SDS-PAGE and processed for WB with different antibodies directed against HTT/mHTT, including MAB1574 (C1, C2), mAb PHP2 (C1) and MAB5490 (C2). Images were collected by a digital gel imager (Syngene G:Box XX9). The arrowhead and arrow (C2) depict a 120 kDa and a 48 kDa fragment, respectively. (C3) Densitometry was performed with Image J for the blots shown in (C2) and the results were normalized by the immunoblot(s) of given loading control protein(s) (e.g., GAPDH). Values are the Mean +/- SEM for each group (n = 7 TRGL, 4 Q175 and 10 TRGL/Q175). Significant differences among the groups were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01.