Bmp4S91C homozygotes die during mid-embryogenesis and show reduced BMP activity in multiple tissues
(A-F) Photograph of E10.5 or E11.5 wild type (A, D) or mutant (B, C, E, F) littermates. Scale bars in Panel A and D apply across each row. (G-J) E10.5 wild type (G, J) or Bmp4S91C/S91C mutant littermates (H, I, K, L) carrying a BRE-LacZ transgene were stained for ß- galactosidase activity to detect endogenous BMP pathway activation. Embryos from a single litter were stained for an identical time under identical conditions. A minimum of three embryos of each genotype were examined and results shown were reproduced in all. G-I show right side and J-L the left side of the same embryos. VPM; ventral posterior mesoderm, BA; branchial arches, SM; somitic mesoderm. Scale bar corresponds to 1mm in all panels. (M-O) Expression of Nkx2.5 was analyzed by whole mount in situ hybridization in E10.5 wild type (M) and mutant (N, O) littermates. Photographs of hearts dissected free of embryos are shown. Scale bar in M applies across the row. RA; right atrium, LA; left atrium, RV; right ventricle, LV; left ventricle, OFT; outflow tract.