Compartment-specific unfolded DD is degraded and competes with proteasome substrates for degradation.

A. Diagram of the DD-sfGFP fusion protein with C-terminal localization signal (LS). The DD is stably folded when bound to the stabilizing ligand Shield-1. The c-Myc nuclear localization signal (NLS; PAAKRVKLD) and a synthetic nuclear export signal (NES; VSSLAEKLAGLDID) were used.

B. Fluorescence microscopy showing the subcellular localization of Shield-1-stabilized DD-sfGFP protein stably expressed in mouse embryonic fibroblast NIH3T3 cells. DD-sfGFP was localized by the absence of LS (left, ntDD), or by the addition of an NLS (center, NucDD) or NES (right, CytoDD) as described in A.

C. DD-sfGFP fluorescence measured by flow cytometry at multiple timepoints following Shield-1 withdrawal. Each point is the mean fluorescence intensity of 20,000+ cells, and error bars indicate the standard error of the mean (sem) of 3 biological replicates. Mean fluorescence intensity is reported on a linear scale in arbitrary units (au). Dashed lines mark the half-life calculated by first order decay approximation: ntDD t1/2 = 57 min, NucDD t1/2 = 77 min, CytoDD t1/2 = 57 min.

D. Relative proteasome activity on degron reporters calculated from the inverse (1/x) mean fluorescence intensity of mCherry-tagged degron reporters following Shield-1 withdrawal. Left, proteasome activity calculated from the effect of unfolded DD on the ubiquitin-dependent reporter (UbG76V-mCh). Right, proteasome activity calculated from the ubiquitin-independent reporter (mCh-C21). Proteasome activity is reported relative to unstressed cells (0 min). Error bars indicate sem of 3 biological replicates.

Global transcriptional profiling reveals common and distinct features

A. Schematic highlighting key experimental steps for mRNA-Seq and differential gene expression (DGE) analysis. NucDD and CytoDD cells were grown separately to log phase growth in the presence of Shield-1 in the media. Shield-1 was withdrawn to expose cells to unfolded DD for the indicated duration, then cells were harvested for total RNA. Each timepoint was prepared with 5 biological replicates. During cDNA library preparation, each sample received a unique index. Sequencing was performed on the NovaSeq 6000 platform. Transcripts were quantified using Salmon and differential gene expression analysis was performed using DESeq2.

B. Quantification of differentially expressed genes (DEG) at each timepoint. Only genes that exhibited fold change (FC) >1.4 increase or decrease relative to 0 min at FDR < 0.01 were counted as significant. For each timepoint, genes were classified as ‘common’ genes (meets criteria in both NucDD and CytoDD) or ‘distinct’ genes (meets criteria in only 1 cell line).

C. Principal component analysis (PCA) of all timepoints and replicates based on the top 10% most variable genes (approximately 1000 genes). Left, NucDD and CytoDD samples plotted on the same space. Center, only NucDD samples. Right, only CytoDD samples. Center and right, connecting arrows added to highlight time course progression.

D. Hierarchical clustering of ‘common’ set DEGs that exhibited similar changes in response to NucDD (left) and CytoDD (right). Each row is a unique gene and gene expression is represented by a normalized row Z score relative to the 0-minute timepoint for each cell line. The dendrogram branches show the relationships of the top-level clusters.

E. Hierarchical clustering of ‘distinct’ set DEGs that were differentially changed by NucDD and CytoDD, as in panel C.

Common response features protein quality control and oxidative stress response elements.

A. Enriched KEGG pathways of the common set clusters. Pathways were ranked by fold enrichment, and for visual purposes, only up to 5 significant pathways are shown (p < 0.05). Fold enrichment indicates the number of genes in each examined cluster that belong to a given pathway relative to the background.

B. Enriched GO terms for biological processes of the common set cluster, as in A.

C-E. Normalized counts from RNA-Seq for the indicated genes, with each point representing data from a single replicate.

C. Representative ubiquitin-proteasome system genes from cluster C1.

D. Representative oxidative stress response/glutathione metabolism genes from cluster C1.

E. All Hsp and Dnaj chaperone proteins identified in the common set.

Nuclear unfolded protein robustly induces the p53 pathway.

A. Enriched KEGG pathways of the distinct set clusters. See Fig. 3A for details.

B. Enriched GO terms for biological processes of the distinct set cluster.

C. Normalized counts for representative p53 pathway genes from cluster D1 (Fig. 2E).

D. Relative gene expression of Mdm2 and Cdkn1a by RT-qPCR. Expression is shown relative to Gapdh. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM for 3 technical replicates.

E. Enriched hallmark pathways from the mouse Molecular Signature Database (MSigDb). The heatmap displays the normalized enrichment score (NES) for each timepoint. The median NES across all time points is shown on the right margin. Gray cells indicate timepoints when the indicated pathway was not significantly enriched.

Nuclear unfolded protein induces a transient p53-independent cell cycle delay.

A. Representative cell cycle analysis of total DNA content versus EdU mean intensity in NucDD cells. NucDD cells were untreated (left) or treated with ligand withdrawal for 240 min (right). At 120 min, 10 µM EdU was added to the culture medium. Boxes indicate the gating scheme used to assign cell cycle phase populations used for downstream analysis. EdU intensity is displayed as a percentage of the maximum intensity on a logarithmic scale.

B. Mean fraction of NucDD and CytoDD populations gated for G1 or early S phase in untreated (0 min) or treated (240 min) cells from 2 biological samples. Data from each sample is represented as a point.

C. Fraction of NucDD populations expressing either wild-type p53 or knockout gated for G1 or early S phase in untreated (0 min) or treated (240 min) cells.

D. Fraction of p53wt or p53ko NucDD cells in early S phase treated with ligand withdrawal for the indicated times.

Compartment-specific increase in proteasome demand stabilizes short-lived transcription factors.

A. Shield-1 was withdrawn from NucDD and CytoDD cells for the indicated times, and equal amounts of total lysate protein were immunoblotted with antibodies against Nrf1, Nrf2, p53, p21, and GAPDH.

B. Nuclear DD domain variants were engineered and expressed in NIH3T3 cells. The cognate stabilizing ligand (Shield-1 for FKBPDD, TMP for DHFRDD) was withdrawn and cells were harvested at the indicated timepoints. Total lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies against p53 and GAPDH.

C. Normalized counts for Trp53 from RNA-Seq, as in Fig. 5E.

D. Comparison of compartment-specific relative proteasome activity (see Fig. 1D for additional details). Ubiquitin-dependent degron reporters were localized to the nucleus or cytosol, and co-expressed with a DD-sfGFP construct. Left, proteasome activity calculated from the effect of unfolded DD on the nuclear degron reporter. Right, proteasome activity calculated from the cytosolic degron reporter. Proteasome activity is reported relative to unstressed cells (0 min). Error bars indicate sem of 3 biological replicates.

A. Normalized counts for all genes identified in significantly overrepresented KEGG pathways in cluster C1.

A. Normalized counts for all ‘p53 pathway’ genes identified from cluster D1 (Fig. 2E)

A. Mean fraction of NucDD and CytoDD populations gated for each phase in untreated (0 min) or treated (240 min) cells from 2 biological samples. Data from each sample is represented as a point.

B. Fraction of p53wt or p53ko NucDD cells in each phase treated with ligand withdrawal for the indicated times.