Closed-loop feedback helped mice learn the task and achieve superior performance in CLNF and CLMF in both experiments.
A) Mice (in Table 4) were able to learn the CLNF task over several sessions, with performance above 70% by the 10th session (RM ANOVA p=2.83e-5). The rule change (in pink, day 11) led to a sharp decline in performance (ANOVA, p=8.7e-9), but the mice were able to adapt and learn the task rule change (RM ANOVA p=8.3e-10; see Table 4 for different rule changes). The method to determine the ROI(s) used in the changed task rule is described in the methods section.
B) Three groups were employed for CLMF experiments. The “Rule-change” group (n=8, received feedback, in pink) was trained with task rule mapping auditory feedback to the speed of the left forelimb and was able to perform above a 70% success rate in four days. The task rule mapping was changed from the left to the right forelimb on day 5, so the rewards as well as audio frequencies would now be controlled by the right forelimb. Surprisingly, the “Rule-change” mice were able to discover the change in rule and started performing above 70% within a day of the rule change, on day 6. The “No-rule-change” group (n=4, received audio feedback, no rule change, in green) and the “No-feedback” group (n=4, no graded audio feedback, no rule change, in blue) were control groups to investigate the role of audio feedback. The performance of the “No-feedback” mice, who did not receive the graded feedback, was never on par (RM-ANOVA p=0.49) with the “No-rule-change” group that received the feedback (RM-ANOVA p=9.6e-7).
C) Task latencies in each group follow the trend of their performance. Rule change (n=8) and no rule change (n=4) task latencies gradually came down, with an exception on day 5 for rule change when the task rule was changed. No feedback (n=4) task latencies are never on par with the groups that received feedback.
D) CLMF Rule-change (n=8) behavior, we looked at the maximum speeds of the left and right forelimbs. The paw with the maximum speed follows the task rule and switches with the change in the task rule. It is worth noting that the task was not restrictive on other body parts; i.e., they were free to move other body parts along with the control point.
E) Reward-aligned average (n=4) ΔF/F0 signals associated with the target rule on day1 and day9 (top plot). Kernel density estimate (KDE) of target ΔF/F0 values during the whole session on day1 and day9 of 1-ROI experiments (bottom plot).
F) Reward-aligned average (n=4) target paw speed on day1 and day10 (top plot). Kernel density estimate (KDE) of target paw speeds on day1 and day10 (bottom plot).
G) In the context of CLNF 2-ROI experiments, bivariate distribution of ROI1 and ROI2 ΔF/F0 values during whole sessions on day9 and day19, with densities projected on the marginal axes. The task rule on day9 was “ROI1-ROI2 > thresh.” as opposed to “ROI2-ROI1 > thresh.” on day19. The bivariate distribution is significantly different (Multivariate two-sample permutation test, p=2.3e-12) on these days, indicating a robust change in activity within these brain regions.
H) Joint (bivariate) distribution of left and right paw speeds during whole session on day4 and day10 of CLMF. Left and right forelimbs were control-point (CP) on day4 and day10 respectively. There is a visible bias in the bivariate distribution towards the CP on respective days.