(A) Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of fluorescently labeled TA demonstrating separation of LTA and WTA by centrifugation. Labeled compounds were revealed by UV-transillumination. TA were labeled by growing WT cells in C-medium in the presence of 200 µM aCho. Cells were lysed overnight with lysozyme, mutanolysine and LytA and the azido-groups were modified by reaction with 25 µM DBCO-AF488. The lysate was centrifuged for 2 min at 1,250, 5,000 or 20,000 g. The pellets were resuspended in the initial volume. An aliquot of the 20,000 g supernatant was treated with alkaline phosphatase. The buffer with the lysing enzymes, the medium with and without aCho and the culture supernatant were similarly incubated with 25 µM DBCO-AF488. B, lysis buffer with enzymes; M-, C-medium without aCho; M+, C-medium with aCho; MC, culture supernatant; L, lysate; P, pellet; S, supernatant; AP, alkaline phosphatase-treated. The control samples (B, M-, M+ and MC were loaded at one-fourth the volume of the cellular samples). Labels on the right side of the gel identify species coupled to the fluorophore AF488. (B-C) Titration of cellular TA. WT cells were grown for two generation in the presence of aCho prior to cell lysis. DBCO-AF488 (1.9 µM) was incubated for 24 h with varying amounts of cell lysate corresponding to up to 2.9 108 cells mL-1. The remaining DBCO-AF488 was blocked by addition of 100 mM aCho, and the various species were separated by polyacrylamide (17%) gel electrophoresis (B). The bands were quantified and the relative amount of the various species were plotted against the cell concentration (C). Black circles, blocked DBCO-AF488; open circle, phosphocholine; open triangle, TA. A linear regression of the DBCO-AF488 points at low cellular concentration was applied to obtain the titration point as the intercept of the cell concentration axis.