CRISPR-Edited DPSCs, Constitutively Expressing BDNF Enhance Dentin Regeneration in Injured Teeth

  1. Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, United States
  2. Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Moses Chao
    New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Dolores Shoback
    University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):

This work employs both in vitro and in vivo/transplant methods to investigate the contribution of BDNF/TrkB signaling to enhancing differentiation and dentin-repair capabilities of dental pulp stem cells in the context of exposure to a variety of inflammatory cytokines. A particular emphasis of the approach is the employment of dental pulp stem cells in which BDNF expression has been enhanced using CRISPR technology. Transplantation of such cells is said to improve dentin regeneration in a mouse model of tooth decay.

The study provides several interesting findings, including demonstrating that exposure to several cytokines/inflammatory agents increases the quantity of (activated) phospho-Trk B in dental pulp stem cells.

However, a variety of technical issues weaken support for the major conclusions offered by the authors. These technical issues include the following:

(1) It remains unclear exactly how the cytokines tested affect BDNF/TrkB signaling. For example, in Figure 1C, TNF-alpha increases TrkB and phospho-TrkB immunoreactivity to the same degree, suggesting that the cytokine promotes TrkB abundance without stimulating pathways that activate TrkB, whereas in Figure 2D, TNF-alpha has little effect on the abundance of TrkB, while increasing phospho-TrkB, suggesting that it affects TrkB activation and not TrkB abundance.

(2) I find the histological images in Figure 3 to be difficult to interpret. I would have imagined that DAPI nuclear stains would reveal the odontoblast layer, but this is not apparent. An adjacent section labeled with conventional histological stains would be helpful here. Others have described Stro-1 as a stem cell marker that is expressed on a minority of cells associated with vasculature in the dental pulp, but in the images in Figure 3, Stro-l label is essentially co-distributed with DAPI, in both control and injured teeth, indicating that it is expressed in nearly all cells. Although the authors state that the Stro-1-positive cells are associated with vasculature, but I see no evidence that is true.

(3) The data presented convincingly demonstrate that they have elevated BDNF expression in their dental pulp stem cells using a CRISPR-based approach I have a number of questions about these findings. Firstly, nowhere in the paper do they describe the nature of the CRISPR plasmid they are transiently transfecting. Some published methods delete segments of the BDNF 3'-UTR while others use an inactivated Cas9 to position an active transactivator to sequences in the BDNF promoter. If it is the latter approach, transient transfection will yield transient increases in BDNF expression. Also, as BDNF employs multiple promoters, it would be helpful to know which promoter sequence is targeted, and finally, knowing the identity of the guide RNAs would allow assessment for the potential of off-target effects I am guessing that the investigators employ a commercially obtained system from Santa Cruz, but nowhere is this mentioned. Please provide this information.

(4) Another question left unresolved is whether their approach elevated BDNF, proBDNF, or both. Their 28 kDa western blot band apparently represents proBDNF exclusively, with no mature BDNF apparent, yet only mature BDNF effectively activates TrkB receptors. On the other hand, proBDNF preferentially activates p75NTR receptors. The present paper never mentions p75NTR, which is a significant omission, since other investigators have demonstrated that p75NTR controls odontoblast differentiation.

(5) In any case, no evidence is presented to support the conclusion that the artificially elevated BDNF expression has any effect on the capability of the dental pulp stem cells to promote dentin regeneration. The results shown in Figures 4 and 5 compare dentin regeneration with BDNF-over-expressing stem cells with results lacking any stem cell transplantation. A suitable control is required to allow any conclusion about the benefit of over-expressing BDNF.

(6) Whether increased BDNF expression is beneficial or not, the evidence that the BDNF-overexpressing dental pulp stem cells promote dentin regeneration is somewhat weak. The data presented indicate that the cells increase dentin density by only 6%. The text and figure legend disagree on whether the p-value for this effect is 0.05 or 0.01. In either case, nowhere is the value of N for this statistic mentioned, leaving uncertainty about whether the effect is real.

(7) The final set of experiments applies transcriptomic analysis to address the mechanisms mediating function differences in dental pulp stem cell behavior. Unfortunately, while the Abstract indicates " we conducted transcriptomic profiling of TNFα-treated DPSCs, both with and without TrkB antagonist CTX-B" that does not describe the experiment described, which compared the transcriptome of control cells with cells simultaneously exposed to TNF-alpha and CTX-B. Since CTX-B blocks the functional response of cells to TNF-alpha, I don't understand how any useful interpretation can be attached to the data without controls for the effect of TNF alone and CTX-B alone.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):

In this manuscript, the authors investigate the potential for overexpressing BDNF in dental pulp stem cells to enhance dentin regeneration. They suggest that in the inflammatory environment of injured teeth, there is increased signaling of TrkB in response to elevated levels of inflammatory molecules.

The potential application to dentin regeneration is interesting.

There are a number of concerns with this manuscript to be addressed.

(1) Insufficient citation of the literature. There is a vast literature on BDNF-TrkB regulating survival, development, and function of neurons, yet there is only one citation (Zhang et al 2012) which is on Alzheimer's disease.

(2) There are several incorrect statements. For example, in the introduction (line 80) TrkA is not a BDNF receptor.

(3) Most important - Specific antibodies must be identified by their RRID numbers. To state that "Various antibodies were procured:... from BioLegend" is unacceptable, and calls into question the entire analysis. Specifically, their Western blot in Figure 4B indicates a band at 28 kDa that they say is BDNF, however the size of BDNF is 14 kDa, and the size of proBDNF is 32 and 37 kDa, therefore it is not clear what they are indicating at 28 kDa. The validation is critical to their analysis of BDNF-expressing cells.

(4) Figure 2 indicates increased expression of TrkB and TrkA, as well as their phosphorylated forms in response to inflammatory stimuli. Do these treatments elicit increased secretion of the ligands for these receptors, BDNF and NGF, respectively, to activate their phosphorylation? Or are they suggesting that the inflammatory molecules directly activate the Trk receptors? If so, further validation is necessary to demonstrate that.

(5) Figure 7 - RNA-Seq data, what is the rationale for treatment with TNF+ CTX-B? How does this identify any role for TrkB signaling? They never define their abbreviations, but if CTX-B refers to cholera toxin subunit B, which is what it usually refers to, then it is certainly not a TrkB antagonist.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):

In general, although the authors interpret their results as pointing towards a possible role of BDNF in dentin regeneration, the results are over-interpreted due to the lack of proper controls and focus on TrkB expression, but not its isoforms in inflammatory processes. Surprisingly, the authors do not study the possible role of p75 in this process, which could be one of the mechanisms intervening under inflammatory conditions.

(1) The authors claim that there are two Trk receptors for BDNF, TrkA and TrkB. To date, I am unaware of any evidence that BDNF binds to TrkA to activate it. It is true that two receptors have been described in the literature, TrkB and p75 or NGFR, but the latter is not TrkA despite its name and capacity to bind NGF along with other neurotrophins. It is crucial for the authors to provide a reference stating that TrkA is a receptor for BDNF or, alternatively, to correct this paragraph.

(2) The authors discuss BDNF/TrkB in inflammation. Is there any possibility of p75 involvement in this process?

(3) The authors present immunofluorescence (IF) images against TrkB and pTrkB in the first figure. While they mention in the materials and methods section that these antibodies were generated for this study, there is no proof of their specificity. It should be noted that most commercial antibodies labeled as anti-TrkB recognize the extracellular domain of all TrkB isoforms. There are indications in the literature that pathological and excitotoxic conditions change the expression levels of TrkB-Fl and TrkB-T1. Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate which isoform of TrkB the authors are showing as increased under their conditions. Similarly, it is essential to prove that the new anti-p-TrkB antibody is specific to this Trk receptor and, unlike other commercial antibodies, does not act as an anti-phospho-pan-Trk antibody.

(4) I believe this initial conclusion could be significantly strengthened, without opening up other interpretations of the results, by demonstrating the specificity of the antibodies via Western blot (WB), both in the presence and absence of BDNF and other neurotrophins, NGF, and NT-3. Additionally, using WB could help reinforce the quantification of fluorescence intensity presented by the authors in Figure 1. It's worth noting that the authors fixed the cells with 4% PFA for 2 hours, which can significantly increase cellular autofluorescence due to the extended fixation time, favoring PFA autofluorescence. They have not performed negative controls without primary antibodies to determine the level of autofluorescence and nonspecific background. Nor have they indicated optimizing the concentration of primary antibodies to find the optimal point where the signal is strong without a significant increase in background. The authors also do not mention using reference markers to normalize specific fluorescence or indicating that they normalized fluorescence intensity against a standard control, which can indeed be done using specific signal quantification techniques in immunocytochemistry with a slide graded in black-and-white intensity controls. From my experience, I recommend caution with interpretations from fluorescence quantification assays without considering the aforementioned controls.

(5) In Figure 2, the authors determine the expression levels of TrkA and TrkB using qPCR. Although they specify the primers used for GAPDH as a control in materials and methods, they do not indicate which primers they used to detect TrkA and TrkB transcripts, which is essential for determining which isoform of these receptors they are detecting under different stimulations. Similarly, I recommend following the MIQE guidelines (Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR experiments), so they should indicate the amplification efficiency of their primers, the use of negative and positive controls to validate both the primer concentration used, and the reaction, the use of several stable reference genes, not just one.

(6) Moreover, the authors claim they are using the same amounts of cDNA for qPCRs since they have quantified the amounts using a Nanodrop. Given that dNTPs are used during cDNA synthesis, and high levels remain after cDNA synthesis from mRNA, it is not possible to accurately measure cDNA levels without first cleaning it from the residual dNTPs. Therefore, I recommend that the authors clarify this point to determine how they actually performed the qPCRs. I also recommend using two other reference genes like 18S and TATA Binding Protein alongside GAPDH, calculating the geometric mean of the three to correctly apply the 2^-ΔΔCt formula.

(7) Similarly, given that the newly generated antibodies have not been validated, I recommend introducing appropriate controls for the validation of in-cell Western assays.

(8) The authors' conclusion that TrkB levels are minimal (Figure 2E) raises questions about what they are actually detecting in the previous experiments might not be the TrkB-Fl form. Therefore, it is essential to demonstrate beyond any doubt that both the antibodies used to detect TrkB and the primers used for qPCR are correct, and in the latter case, specify at which cycle (Ct) the basal detection of TrkB transcripts occurs. Treatment with TNF-alpha for 14 days could lead to increased cell proliferation or differentiation, potentially increasing overall TrkB transcript levels due to the number of cells in culture, not necessarily an increase in TrkB transcripts per cell.

(9) Overall, there are reasonable doubts about whether the authors are actually detecting TrkB in the first three images, as well as the phosphorylation levels and localization of this receptor in the cells. For example, in Figure 3 A to J, it is not clear where TrkB is expressed, necessitating better resolution images and a magnified image to show in which cellular structure TrkB is expressed.

(10) In Figure 4, the authors indicate they have generated cells overexpressing BDNF after recombination using CRISPR technology. However, the WB they show in Figure 4B, performed under denaturing conditions, displays a band at approximately 28kDa. This WB is absolutely incorrect with all published data on BDNF detection via this technique. I believe the authors should demonstrate BDNF presence by showing a WB with appropriate controls and BDNF appearing at 14kDa to assume they are indeed detecting BDNF and that the cells are producing and secreting it. What antibodies have been used by the authors to detect BDNF? Have the authors validated it? There are some studies reporting the lack of specificity of certain commercial BDNF antibodies, therefore it is necessary to show that the authors are convincingly detecting BDNF.

(11) While the RNA sequencing data indicate changes in gene expression in cells treated with TNFalpha+CTX-B compared to control, the authors do not show a direct relationship between these genetic modifications with the rest of their manuscript's argument. I believe the results from these RNA sequencing assays should be put into the context of BDNF and TrkB, indicating which genes in this signaling pathway are or are not regulated, and their importance in this context.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation