Loss of eIF2A does not perturb cell proliferation and global translation.
(A) Genotyping of eIF2AKO cell lines. Two eIF2A knockout lines were generated by targeting two separate coding exons. Shown is the resulting mutation at the DNA level, and a schematic of the predicted protein product.
(B) mRNA levels of eIF2A, quantified by qRT-PCR, are reduced in the eIF2AKO lines. Error bars: standard deviation. Significance by ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test.
(C-D) Subcellular localization of eIF2A, detected by immunoblotting cytosolic and nuclear fractions, does not change upon treatment with tunicamycin (TM). Cells were treated with DMSO or Tunicamycin (1 µg/µl) for 2 hours. (C). Representative immunoblot (C) of three independent replicates quantified in (D). Error bars: deviation. Significance by multiple unpaired, t-test.
(E) Overexpressed FLAG-eIF2A shows predominantly cytoplasmic localization, assessed by immunofluorescent staining with anti-FLAG antibodies. Cells transfected with plasmid expressing eIF2A-FLAG were treated for 1 hour either with DMSO or 100 µM Sodium arsenite (SA).
(F-G) eIF2A levels in HeLa cells are not affected by poly (I:C) (1µg/ml), LPC (1 µg/ml) or tunicamycin (1µg/ml) for 3 hours. Phospho-p38 signal is used as a positive control for the treatment. Representative immunoblot (F) or three independent replicates quantified in (G). Error bars: standard deviation. Significance by ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test.
(H-I) Global protein translation levels in HeLa cells do not change upon Flag-eIF2A overexpression, assessed by immunoblot against OPP (left) and normalized to total protein amount assayed by PonceauS (right). Representative blots in (H), of four independent replicates quantified in (I). Error bars: standard deviation. Significance by unpaired, two-sided, t-test. All panels: ns = not significant.