Figures and data

Experimental design. In every trial, participants were presented with pairs of monetary options (a safe and a risky option; the risky option was a lottery with equally probable high and low outcomes). There were three conditions: a non-social ‘Solo’ condition, in which the participant’s choice lead to an outcome just for themselves (left panel); and two conditions in which choices were made by the participant (‘Social’ condition) or by their partner (‘Partner’ condition) and lead to outcomes affecting both players (right panel). Importantly, selecting the risky option in the social or partner conditions lead to the lottery being played out independently for both players; i.e., participant and partner could receive the high or low outcome independently from each other (coloured boxes). Selecting the safe option lead to both players receiving an equal outcome.

Participant choices in Studies 1 (outside fMRI, N = 40) and 2 (inside fMRI, N = 44). A and D. The probability of choosing the risky option (lottery) in both Solo and Social conditions is well explained by the difference in expected value of the risky and safe choice options (EVrisky – Vsafe). Participants chose the risky option slightly more often in the Solo condition than in the Social condition in Study 1 (A) but not in Study 2 (D). Lines are predicted values of a logit linear mixed regression model fitted to the choice data (see Results). Error areas indicate 95% pointwise confidence intervals for the predicted values. Triangles indicate individual average choice proportions binned by EVrisky – Vsafe value; size of triangle reflects the number of participants contributing to a datapoint. Blue upwards-pointing and red downwards-pointing triangles are data from the Solo and Social conditions, respectively. B and E. Risk premiums did not differ between Solo and Social conditions. C and F. Values of the risk aversion parameter ρ in the Solo and Social conditions were broadly consistent with Risk premium values, but showed that participants were slightly more risk averse in the Social than in the Solo condition in Study 1 only (see Results). In panels B, C, E and F, grey lines and markers show individual data, red lines show means with 95% confidence intervals about the means, and grey areas are kernel density plots representing the distribution of the data.

Participant momentary happiness in Studies 1(A-D) and 2 (E-H). Happiness varied with rewards received by the participant (A and E) and by the partner (B and F). Each dot is one trial; data are pooled across participants. Lines are fitted regression lines. A computational model taking into account expected, previous and current rewards, reward prediction errors for both participant and partner, and decision-maker (Responsibility Redux model, see Results) predicted the variations in participants’ momentary happiness well (C and G, and Table 1). Changes in momentary happiness after lottery choices in Social and Partner conditions varied with lottery outcome and decision-maker (D and H). Data were binned according to outcome for each participant and decision-maker (Social = participant chose the lottery, Partner = partner chose the lottery). Crucially, responsibility for low lottery outcomes for the partner decreased participant happiness more than the same outcomes following partner choices (see Results), which fits the definition of interpersonal guilt. In D and H, dots are individual datapoints, the bar indicates the mean, and the error bars are 95% confidence intervals about the mean.

Fits of computational models to momentary happiness data

BOLD responses. A. Regions showing a greater response when participants chose the risky (lottery) rather than the safe option, irrespective of Social or Solo condition. B. Regions showing a greater response when participants chose for both themselves and their partner rather than just for themselves (Social > Solo). C. Coefficients of linear mixed models indicate that two of these regions, precuneus and TPJ, were most active when participants chose the lottery in the Social condition. R-S indicates results of LMMs based on the Risky-Safe response difference. D. Brain regions more active during receipt of the outcomes of lotteries than safe choices (all conditions). E. Coefficients of linear mixed models indicated that insula ROIs (see D) mirrored the guilt effect observed in our behavioural data: voxels here responded more to low lottery outcomes (L) for the partner when these resulted from participant’s rather than the partner’s choices, even when responses to high outcomes were subtracted (L-H). F. A mass-univariate, voxel-wise analysis showed a compatible result: A cluster of voxels within the left insula ROI showed higher responses to low lottery outcomes for the partner if these resulted from participant rather than partner choices. G. Activation in bilateral ventral striatum explained by a computational model-based regressor coding participant rewards. H. Within brain regions sensitive to outcomes of risky choices, one cluster in the left superior temporal sulcus region showed a higher response to partner reward prediction errors resulting from participant rather than partner choices. I. Response in this cluster to the computational-model-based regressors coding participant reward prediction resulting from participant and partner choices, for both sessions of the experiment. All results shown survive thresholding at p<0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons at the cluster level, based on a voxel-wise uncorrected threshold of p<0.001. Colors in panels A-I indicate T values. In C and E, bars indicate the estimated coefficients. In C, E and I, error bars are 95% confidence intervals.

Changes in functional connectivity between the left anterior insula (seed) and a cluster in the right inferior frontal gyrus at the time of the choice as a function of condition (Social vs. Solo) and choice (Risky or Safe). In the righthand panel, dots are data of individual participants, the markers represent means, and error bars indicate 95 confidence intervals about the mean.