Cellular types and localization of rG4s, all scale bars are 50 µm. a, Immunofluorescence showing BG4 staining patterns (red) in human hippocampal tissue of case 17, a 53-year-old individual with Braak stage 1.5, and case 4, a 79-year-old individual with Braak stage 5 AD pathology (right). Cell nuclei stained with DAPI (blue). b, Co-stain of rRNA (left, yellow green) and BG4 (right, red), in the hippocampal CA4 region, an 80-year old individual with early stage tauopathy, demonstrating significant but not complete overlap between BG4 and rRNA. c, BG4 staining (red) with cell type markers (green) of oligodendrocytes (SOX10, case 8), neurons (NEUN, case 4), microglia (IBA1, case 18) and astrocytes (GFAP, case 18). BG4 is most prevalent in oligodendrocytes, neurons, and astrocytes. BG4 does not strongly colocalize with microglia (IBA1).