Decomposition of A) total variation in biological aging, and B) the variation of the residual term.

Descriptive statistics of the adolescent lifestyle-related variables in all twins and in the subsample of twins with information on biological aging.

The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of epigenetic aging measures by zygosity and correlation coefficients between the measures (n = 824)

Model fit of the latent class models (n = 5,114).

Classes with different lifestyle patterns (n = 5114). Mean and probability profiles (95% confidence intervals) of the indicator variables utilized in the classification: A) body mass index, B) regular LTPA (several times a week), C) daily smoking and D) regular alcohol use (once a month or more). For categorical variables, the probabilities of belonging to the highest categories are presented.

Mean differences between the adolescent lifestyle behavior patterns in biological aging measured with A) DNAm PhenoAge, B) DNAm GrimAge, C) DunedinPoAm and D) DunedinPACE estimators (n = 824). The analysis was adjusted for sex (female), standardized age and baseline pubertal development. Means and 95% confidence intervals are presented. C1 = the class with the healthiest lifestyle pattern, C2 = the class with low–normal BMI, C3 = the class with a healthy lifestyle and high–normal BMI, C4 = the class with high BMI, C5 = the class with the unhealthiest lifestyle pattern. AA, age acceleration.

Differences in biological aging between classes with different adolescent lifestyle behavior patterns.

Proportions of variation in biological aging explained by genetic and (unshared) environmental factors shared with adolescent lifestyle patterns. The results are based on the model including additive genetic and non-shared environmental component (AE model). AA, age acceleration.