AlphaFold model of PrgB. A) Model of PrgB with N-proximal residues 157-194 in grey, the coiled-coil (COI, residue 195-260) domain in cyan, the polymer adhesin domain (PAD, residue 261-558) in black, the following linker region (residue 559-583) in orange, CSA1 (residue 584-750) in purple, CSC1 in green, CSA2 in beige and CSC2 in red. Both N– and C-termini (residues 1-156 and 1233-1305) are removed for clarity as they were predicted to be largely unfolded. B) The linker region between the polymer adhesin domain and the CSA1 domain, as indicated in panel A. C) The same region as shown in panel B with the residues colored by their confidence measure (pLDDT score). Regions with a pLDDT score above 90 are expected to be modelled with high accuracy, regions with a score between 70-90 are expected to have a good prediction for the backbone, while regions with a pLDDT score between 50-70 are off low confidence. A pLDDT score < 50 is a reasonable strong predictor of disorder.