Single-nucleus gene expression in the human LC using snRNA-seq.
We applied an unsupervised clustering workflow to identify cell populations in the snRNA-seq data. (A) Unsupervised clustering identified 30 clusters representing populations including NE neurons (red), 5-HT neurons (purple), and other major neuronal and non-neuronal cell populations (additional colors). Marker genes (columns) were used to identify clusters (rows). Cluster IDs are shown in labels on the right, and numbers of nuclei per cluster are shown in horizontal bars on the right. Percentages of nuclei per cluster are also shown in Supplementary Figure 10D. Heatmap values represent mean logcounts per cluster. (B) UMAP representation of nuclei, with colors matching cell populations from heatmap. (C) DE testing between neuronal clusters identified a total of 327 statistically significant genes with elevated expression in the NE neuron cluster, at an FDR threshold of 0.05 and FC threshold of 2. Heatmap displays the top 70 genes, ranked in descending order by FDR, excluding mitochondrial genes, with NE neuron marker genes described in text highlighted in red. The full list of 327 genes including mitochondrial genes is provided in Supplementary Table 4. Heatmap values represent mean logcounts in the NE neuron cluster and mean logcounts per cluster averaged across all other neuronal clusters (excluding ambiguous). (D-E) Cross-species comparison showing expression of human ortholog genes for LC-associated genes identified in the rodent LC [30,31] using alternative experimental technologies. Boxplots show logcounts per nucleus in the NE neuron cluster and all other neuronal clusters. Boxplot whiskers extend to 1.5 times interquartile range, and outliers are not shown. (F) DE testing between neuronal clusters identified a total of 361 statistically significant genes with elevated expression in the 5-HT neuron cluster, at an FDR threshold of 0.05 and FC threshold of 2. Heatmap displays the top 70 genes, ranked in descending order by FDR, with 5-HT neuron marker genes described in text highlighted in red. The full list of 361 genes is provided in Supplementary Table 7.