Jub is required for βH-Spec and α-Spec regulation of wing size and ex-lacZ
(A-J) Representative adult wings from flies cultured at 29°C and expressing UAS transgenes altering spectrin and/or Jub expression under control of a nub-Gal4 (nubG4) driver. (K) Quantification of wing area (mean ± 95% CI) Number of wing discs used for analysis: Control (OR), n=20; UAS-kstRNAi[GD], n=20; UAS-kstRNAi[HMS], n=21; UAS-α-specRNAi, n=20; UAS-jubRNAi, n=20, UAS-jubRNAi UAS-kstRNAi[GD], n=20; UAS-jubRNAi UAS-kstRNAi[HMS], n=20; UAS-jubRNAi UAS-α-specRNAi, n=20; UAS-kstCRISPRa, n=22; UAS-kst[EP], n=26. Statistical significance was determined by a one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Statistical comparisons are shown relative to nub-Gal4 UAS-dcr2/+ in green, relative to nub-Gal4 UAS-dcr2 UAS-jubRNAi in purple and relative to UAS-kstRNAi in blue. (L-Q) Third-instar wing discs expressing ex-lacZ en-Gal4 UAS-dcr2 UAS-GFP (green) crossed to OR (L), UAS-kstRNAi (M), UAS-jubRNAi (N), UAS-jubRNAi UAS-kstRNAi (O), UAS-α-specRNAi (P), UAS-jubRNAi UAS-α-specRNAi (Q) stained for expression of ex-lacZ (red/white). Dashed yellow line indicates the A/P compartment boundary.