Mouse placental aging is characterized by cellular senescence, HIF-1 signaling, and mitochondrial dysregulation.
WGCNA yielded 20 gene clusters. Functional pathways overrepresented in clusters found to increase (blue) and decrease (turquoise) across gestation highlight enhanced cellular senescence, increased HIF-1 signaling, and decreased mitochondrial synthesis and respiration late in pregnancy (A). Expression of senescence marker Glb1 peaks at e17.5 (B; one-way ANOVA p=0.0048). HIF-1 protein abundance is higher at e17.5 versus e13.5 and e15.5 (C; one-way ANOVA p=0.019), as is expression of HIF-1 targets Hk2 and Glut1 (D; two-way ANOVA p<0.0001 for gestational age factor). (See Figure 2 - Supplement 1 for analysis of gene expression changes across timepoints by placental sex.) Mitochondrial abundance, reflected by COX IV protein, decreases with gestational age (E, one-way ANOVA p=0.0064), and mitochondrial DNA lesion rate peaks at e17.5 in the regions of the D-loop (one-way ANOVA p=0.0001), COII/ATPase6 (p=0.0027), and ND5 (p=0.036) (F). B-F, Each data point represents a biological replicate (eg. RNA, protein, or DNA extracted from an individual placenta, in turn collected from one of 2-4 pregnant dams per group). See Figure 2 - Source Data 1 for uncropped, unedited blots.