Data analysis with the Pynapple package.
Left, any type of input data can be loaded in a small number of core objects. For example (from top to bottom): intracellular recordings in slice during which current is injected and drug is applied to the bath solution; extracellular recordings in freely moving mice whose position is video-tracked; calcium imaging in head-fixed mice during presentation of different visual stimuli and delivery of precisely timed rewards; extracellular recordings in non-human primates during the execution of cognitive tasks. Middle, object-specific methods allow the user to perform a wide variety of basic operations and to manipulate the data manipulations. Right, at a higher level, the package contains a set of foundational analysis methods such as (from top to bottom) peri-event alignment of the data (top), 1- and 2-D tuning curves, 1- and 2-D decoding; auto- and cross-correlation of event times (e.g., action potentials). These methods depend only on a few, commonly used, external packages.