TDP-43KQ/KQ mice develop age-dependent cognitive and behavioral defects.
A Body weight of TDP-43wt and TDP-43KQ/KQ mice in males [left panel; F(1,48)=17.52, p=0.0001] and females [right panel; F(1,36)=14.17, p=0.0006] at different ages. B Quantification of time in the center region of an open field in mice at 12 months [left panel; F(1,20)=6.118, p=0.0225] and 18 months [right panel; F(1,17)=9.622, p=0.0065]. C Quantification of time spent frozen (immobile) following context-dependent conditioned fear testing 18-months-old [right panel; F(1,17)=5.402, p=0.0328]. D Quantification of time spent frozen following cue-dependent conditioned fear testing at 12-months-old [left panel; F(1,20)=5.285, p=0.0324] and 18-months-old. Filled bars represent presence of auditory cue (tone). E-F Morris Water Maze (MWM) analysis displaying time to find a hidden platform (escape latency), quantified as daily trial means per animal (E) or average across all days (F). G-H Quantification of escape latencies during MWM reversal learning trials in daily trials (G) [F(1,16)=5.273, p=0.0355] and comparing averages per mouse across all days (H).
Bar and scatter plots shown as mean ± SD. Box and whiskers show line at median, ‘+’ at mean, and whiskers run min to max. a Two-way ANOVA followed by Šídák's multiple comparisons test. B-D,E,G Two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Holm-Šídák's multiple comparisons tests; F statistics and p-values in legend represent main effect of genotype. F, H Unpaired student’s t-test. Sample sizes as follows unless otherwise indicated: 12-month TDP-43wt n=15; 12-month TDP-43KQ/KQ n=7; 18-month TDP-43wt n=10; 18-month TDP-43KQ/KQ n=9; one 18-month TDP-43KQ/KQ extreme outlier removed for MWM analysis (E,F). Statistical significance is represented by asterisks *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001; ns=not significant. Further statistical information is located Figure 3 Source Data 1 file.