Dysfunctional splicing regulation of the Sort1 transcript in TDP-43KQ/KQ mice
A Differential splicing analysis of TDP-43wt and TDP-43KQ/KQ neocortex (“Ctx”) and hippocampus (“Hpc”) using LeafCutter177 (visualized with LeafViz178) demonstrates reduction in exclusion of a 3′ exon within the Sort1 transcript. Diagram in (A) shows full-length Sort1 gene in upper panel and highlights the differentially spliced region in gray. Chromosomal location, intron start and end points, annotation status, and Δ percent spliced in (dPSI) of the intronic region is listed in the lower table. B-C qPCR analysis of additional WT and TDP-43KQ/KQ neocortex (B) and hippocampus (C) samples using primers specific for Sort1 splice variants to show the ratio of Sort1-ex17b:Sort1-WTmRNA levels and total Sort1 mRNA levels [B neocortex; Sort1-ex17b:Sort1-WT ratio, F (1, 22) = 51.85, p<0.0001; Sort1 total, F (1, 25) = 0.01856 p=0.8927; C hippocampus; Sort1-ex17b:Sort1-WT ratio, F (1, 14) = 39.54, p<0.0001, Sort1 total F (1, 16) = 2.086 p=0.1679]. D-G Images of western blots probed for Sort1 protein from neocortex (D) and hippocampus (E) lysates from 12- and 18-month-old mice. The Sort1 protein band intensity is plotted relative to total transferred protein (TTP) and quantified in F-G [neocortex, F(1,14) =9.308, p=0.0086; hippocampus, F(1,13) =6.117, p=0.0280]. A Neocortex n=5 TDP-43wt, n=6 TDP-43KQ/KQ; hippocampus n=4 TDP-43wt, n=5 TDP-43KQ/KQ. B Neocortex n=3 12-month TDP-43wt, n=5 12-month TDP-43KQ/KQ, n=9 18-month TDP-43wt, n=9 18-month TDP-43KQ/KQ. C Hippocampus n=3 12-month TDP-43wt, n=5 12-month TDP-43KQ/KQ, n=5 18-month TDP-43wt, 5=9 18-month TDP-43KQ/KQ. D-G n=4 12-month TDP-43wt, n=5 12-month TDP-43KQ/KQ, n=4 18-month TDP-43wt, n=4 (hippocampus) or n=5 (neocortex) 18-month TDP-43KQ/KQ. Data are presented as mean ± SD. Two-way ANOVA followed by Šídák’s multiple comparisons test. F statistics represent main effect of genotype, unless otherwise stated. Statistical significance is represented by asterisks, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001. Further statistical information is located Figure 8 Source Data 1 file. Figures showing uncropped western blot images are available in Figure 8 Source Data 2 files. Full images of western blots are available in Figure 8 Source Data 3 files.