The WGCNA analysis identified co-expressed genes and reinforcement and reversion of expression plasticity. (a) Pearson linear correlation is used to identify genes with expression reinforcement and nonlinear regression to identify genes with expression reversion. Regulatory modules were identified as branches of the resulting cluster tree via the dynamic tree-cutting method and highly correlated modules (P<0.1) were merged. We used “GS > 1st quartile of GS” and “P<0.05” to identify important genes within modules (hub genes). (b) and (c) Six and nine modules respectively were identified to be associated with different stages for the flight and cardiac muscle (P<0.01). Within each module, colored dots show the genes with the expression levels significantly associated with the stages (gene significance function>1st quartile and P<0.05). (d) and (e) Left, genes with expression plasticity being reinforced (red) or reversed (blue) at the colonized stage identified for the flight (d) and cardiac muscle (e), respectively. There are more genes showing reversion plasticity than those showing reinforcement plasticity in flight muscle (d, all comparisons, two-tailed binomial test, P<0.001) and cardiac muscle (e, two of four comparisons, two-tailed binomial test, P<0.001). Right, the FST values (vertical lines) significantly increase in the 2kb up-stream and/or down-stream regions of the genes having the magnitude of reinforcement/reversion plasticity > 200%. Vertical lines, the empirical FST values; shades, permutated FST distributions generated from 100 random samplings. NS, non-significant, *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.