Neuronal spiking is partially governed by rapid and brief changes in synaptic input activity
(A) Top: raster plot of spike times for all presynaptic units of an example postsynaptic cell. Bottom: reconstructed inhibitory (gi; blue) and excitatory (ge; red) synaptic conductance traces. Spike times of the postsynaptic unit in magenta. E/(E + I) ratio (black trace; right).
(B) Mean auto-(ACG) and cross-correlograms (CCG) of the reconstructed giand ge of the neuron in (A) (25 individual mean-subtracted high-conductance events; shadings denote s.e.m.).
(C) Pairwise unit synchrony (STTC with 10 ms binning [Cutts and Eglen 2014]; [E/I] 330/168 unit comparisons; U = 16288, P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney U test). Box plots indicate median and interquartile range, and whiskers the minimum/maximum values except for outliers.
(D) Spike-triggered average of synaptic input conductances and E/(E + I) ratio of an example neuron (n = 15’813 postsynaptic spikes). See also Fig. S3 for variability across spikes and Fig. S4 for contributions of individual inputs.
(E) Mean (black) and individual baseline-subtracted and peak scaled spike-triggered average E/(E + I) traces (n = 7 cells).
(F) E/(E + I)ST A (black; mean from (E)) aligned to intracellular AP (green; mean from Fig. S5). See Fig. S5 for the temporal relationship between extracellularly measured spike times and intracellularly recorded action potential waveforms.
(G/H) Density scatter plots of two example neurons, displaying the changes in input excitation and inhibition that occurred right before individual postsynaptic spikes (for each spike time t, we calculated the mean g value from t-1 ms to t+1 ms and subtracted the mean g value from t-20 ms to t-10 ms). As a reference (see plots labeled ‘non-spiking’), we also assessed the changes in input conductances that occurred during non-spiking periods (using random time points excluding periods ± 20 ms from measured spikes; 10 x the number of spikes).
(I) The percentage of postsynaptic spikes for the four possible pre-spike conductance-change combinations: increase in I and decrease in E (top-left; Z = 2.4, P = 0.018, Wilcoxon signed rank test); increase in I and E (top-right; Z = 0.68, P = 0.50); decrease in I and E (bottom-left; Z = -0.68, P = 0.50); decrease in I and increase in E (bottom-right; Z = -2.4, P = 0.018). Measured spikes (‘spk’) were compared to random time points from non-spiking (‘non-spk’) periods (n = 7 cells).
(J) Violin plots of pre-spike changes in input inhibition (blue) and excitation (red) for individual postsynaptic neurons (n = 7). Distributions of non-spiking periods in grey. In each violin plot, the dark-colored area marks the interquartile range, the circle indicates the median, and the horizontal line marks the mean. All ‘spk’ vs. ‘non-spk’ comparisons significantly different except for excitation of neuron 1, 3, 4; otherwise P < 0.001 (Student’s t-test).
Analyses from (G-J) focused on time periods with synaptic input activity (g > 2 × s.d. of g for both E and I). Across postsynaptic cells, 13’742 ± 7’173 s.d. postsynaptic spikes were recorded, and 15% ± 15% s.d. (min = 4%, max = 45%, median = 7%) occurred during high-activity periods. Some extreme values in (G-H) and (J) are not displayed. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.