The pattern encodes a single, singular steric zipper.
A. A view down the axis of a local segment of all-glutamine steric zipper, or “Q zipper”, between two antiparallel two-stranded sheets. Residues with internally facing side-chains on the top layer are colored red to emphasize interdigitation and H-bonding (dashed lines) between the terminal amides and the opposing backbone.
B. Schema of the “odd dependency” for Q zipper formation, showing side chain arrangements along a continuous beta strand for sequences composed of tandem repeats of Qs (red) interrupted by single Ns (gray). Shading highlights contiguous stretches of Qs that would occur in a continuous beta strand. Note that the illustrated strands will not necessarily be continuous in the context of the nucleus; i.e. the nucleus may contain shorter strands connected by loops.
C. Schema of the tertiary contacts between two beta strands, as in a steric zipper. The zipper can be formed only when the single interrupting non-Q residue follows an odd number of Qs (e.g. Q1N), but not when it follows an even number of Qs (e.g. Q2N).
D. Molecular simulations of model Q zippers formed by a pair of two-stranded antiparallel beta sheets, wherein non-Q residues (in red) face either inward or outward. The schema are oriented so the viewer is looking down the axis between two sheets. The zipper is stable for pure polyQ (QQQQQQQ, top simulation), or when substitutions face outward (QQQNQQQ, second simulation; and QNQNQNQ, fourth simulation), but not when even a single substitution faces inward (QQQNQQQ, third simulation).
E. Snapshot from the uninterrupted Q zipper simulation, showing H-bonds (black arrows) between internal extended Q side chains and the opposing backbones.
F. Snapshot from the internally interrupted Q zipper simulation, illustrating that the side chain of N is too short to H-bond the opposing backbone. However, the N side chain is long enough to H-bond the opposing Q side chain (red arrow), thereby intercepting the side chain-backbone H-bond that would otherwise occur (dashed arrow) between that Q side chain and the backbone amide adjacent to the N. This leads to dissolution of the zipper.