Author Response
The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.
We thank both reviewers for their detailed and positive assessment of our work.
To Reviewer #2, we have now explicated the pattern -- (QXQXQX>3)4 where X>3 denotes any length of three or more residues of any composition -- in the first paragraph of the discussion.
To Reviewer #3, we have made slight modifications to the text in the “Q zippers poison themselves” results section, to attempt to further clarify the mechanism of self-poisoning.
Briefly, the reviewer questions if an alternative model -- where inhibition involves non-structured rather than Q-zipper containing oligomers -- better explains the data. We provided two lines of evidence that we believe exclude this alternative model. First, we point out in the first paragraph of the “Q zippers poison themselves” section that the cells that unexpectedly lack amyloid in the high concentration regime have negligible levels of AmFRET, indicating that the inhibitory oligomers themselves occur at low concentrations regardless of the total concentration, and are therefore limited by a kinetic barrier. Second, we point out in the third paragraph of the section that the severity of amyloid inhibition with respect to concentration has a sequence dependence that matches the expectation of converging phase boundaries for crystal polymorphs -- specifically, inhibition is most severe for sequences that have a local Q density just high enough to form a Q zipper on both sides of each strand. Inhibition relaxed for sequences having more or less Qs than that threshold. In contrast, disordered oligomerization is not expected to have such a dependence on the precise pattern of Qs and Ns.
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
We are pleased that the editors find our study valuable. We find that the reviewers’ criticisms largely arise from misunderstandings inherent to the conceptually challenging nature of the topic, rather than fundamental flaws, as we will elaborate here. We are grateful for the opportunity afforded by eLife to engage reviewers in what we intend to be a constructive public dialogue.
Response to Reviewer 1
This review is highly critical but lacks specifics. The reviewer’s criticisms reflect a position that seems to dismiss a critical role for (or perhaps even the existence of) conformational ordering in polyQ amyloid, which is untenable.
The reviewer states that our objective to characterize the amyloid nucleus “rests on the assertion that polyQ forms amyloid structures to the exclusion of all other forms of solids”. We do not fully agree with this assertion because our findings show that detectable aggregation is rate-limited by conformational ordering, as evident by 1) its discontinuous relationship to concentration, 2) its acceleration by a conformational template, and 3) its strict dependence on very specific sequence features that are consistent with amyloid structure but not disordered aggregation).
We strongly disagree with the reviewer’s subjective statement that we have not critically assessed our findings and that they do not stand up to scrutiny. This statement seems to rest on the perceived contradiction of our findings with that of Crick et al. 2013. Contrary to the reviewer’s assessment, we argue here that the conclusions of Crick et al. do more to support than to refute our findings. Briefly, Crick et al. investigated the aggregation of synthetic Q30 and Q40 peptides in vitro, wherein fibrils assembled from high concentrations of peptide were demonstrated to have saturating concentrations in the low micromolar range. As explained below, this finding of a saturating concentration does not refute our results. More relevant to the present work are their findings that “oligomers” accumulated over an hours-long timespan in solutions that are subsaturated with respect to fibrils, and these oligomers themselves have (nanomolar) critical concentrations. The authors postulated that the oligomers result from liquid–liquid demixing of intrinsically disordered polyglutamine. However, phase separation by a peptide is expected to fix its concentration in both the solute and condensed phases, and, because disordered phase separation is faster than amyloid formation, the postulated explanation removes the driving force for any amyloid phase with a critical solubility greater than that of the oligomers. In place of this interpretation that truly does appear to -- in the reviewer’s words -- “contradict basic physical principles of how homopolymers self-assemble”, we interpret these oligomers as evidence of Q zipper-containing self-poisoned multimers, rounded as an inherent consequence of self-poisoning (Ungar et al., 2005), and plausibly akin to semicrystalline spherulites that have been observed in other polymer crystal and amyloid-forming systems (Crist and Schultz, 2016; Vetri and Foderà, 2015). Importantly, the physical parameters governing the transition between amyloid spherulites and fibrils have been characterized in the case of insulin (Smith et al. 2012), where it was found that spherulites form at lower protein concentrations than fibrils. This mirrors the observation by Crick et al. that fibrils have a higher solubility limit than the spherical oligomers.
Further rebuttal to the perceived incompatibility of monomeric nucleation with the existence of a critical concentration for amyloid
We appreciate that the concept of a monomeric nucleus can superficially appear inconsistent with the fact that crystalline solids such as polyQ amyloid have a saturating concentration, but this is only true if one neglects that polyQ amyloids are polymer crystals with intramolecular ordering. The perceived discrepancy is perhaps most easily dispelled by the fact that folded proteins can form crystals, and the folded state of the protein. These crystals have critical concentrations, and the protein subunits within them each have intramolecular crystalline order (in the form of secondary structure). When placed in a subsaturated solution, the protein crystals dissolve into the constituent monomers, and yet those monomers still retain intramolecular order. Our present findings for polyQ are conceptually no different.
To further extrapolate this simple example to polyQ, one can also draw on the now well-established phenomenon of secondary nucleation, whereby transient interactions of soluble species with ordered species leads to their own ordering (Törnquist et al., 2018). Transience is important here because it implies that intramolecular ordering can in principle propagate even in solutions that are subsaturated with respect to bulk crystallization. This is possible in the present case because the pairing of sufficiently short beta strands (equivalent to “stems” in the polymer crystal literature) will be more stable intramolecularly than intermolecularly, due to the reduced entropic penalty of the former. Our elucidation that Q zipper ordering can occur with shorter strands intramolecularly than intermolecularly (Fig. S4C-D) demonstrates this fact. It is also evident from published descriptions of single molecule “crystals” formed in sufficiently dilute solutions of sufficiently long polymers (Hong et al., 2015; Keller, 1957; Lauritzen and Hoffman, 1960).
In suggesting that a saturating concentration for amyloid rules out monomeric nucleation, the reviewer assumes that the Q zipper-containing monomer must be stable relative to the disordered ensemble. This is not inherent to our claim. The monomeric nucleating structure need not be more stable than the disordered state, and monomers may very well be disordered at equilibrium at low concentrations. To be clear, our claim requires that the Q zipper-containing monomer is both on pathway to amyloid and less stable than all subsequent species that are on pathway to amyloid. The former requirement is supported by our extensive mutational analysis. The latter requirement is supported by our atomistic simulations showing the Q zipper-containing monomer is stabilized by dimerization (included in our 2021 preprint). Hence, requisite ordering in the nucleating monomer is stabilized by intermolecular interactions. We provide in Author response image 1 an illustration to clarify what we believe to be the discrepancy between our claim and the reviewer’s interpretation.
Author response image 1.

That the rate-limiting fluctuation for a crystalline phase can occur in a monomer can also be understood as a consequence of Ostwald’s rule of stages, which describes the general tendency of supersaturated solutes, including amyloid forming proteins (Chakraborty et al., 2023), to populate metastable phases en route to more stable phases (De Yoreo, 2022; Schmelzer and Abyzov, 2017). Our findings with polyQ are consistent with a general mechanism for Ostwald’s rule wherein the relative stabilities of competing polymorphs differ with the number of subunits (De Yoreo, 2022; Navrotsky, 2004). As illustrated in Fig. 6 of Navrotsky, a polymorph that is relatively stable at small particle sizes tends to give way to a polymorph that -- while initially unstable -- becomes more stable as the particles grow. The former is analogous to our early stage Q zipper composed of two short sheets with an intramolecular interface, while the latter is analogous to the later stage Q zipper composed of longer sheets with an intermolecular interface. Subunit addition stabilizes the latter more than the former, hence the initial Q zipper that is stabilized more by intra- than intermolecular interactions will mature with growth to one that is stabilized more by intermolecular interactions.
We have added a new figure (Fig. 6) to the manuscript to illustrate qualitative features of the amyloid pathway we have deduced for polyQ.
Rebuttal to the perceived necessity of in vitro experiments
The overarching concern of this reviewer and reviewing editor is whether in-cell assays can inform on sequence-intrinsic properties. We understand this concern. We believe however that the relative merit of in-cell assays is largely a matter of perspective. The truly sequence-intrinsic behavior of polyQ, i.e. in a vacuum, is less informative than the “sequence-intrinsic” behaviors of interest that emerge in the presence of extraneous molecules from the appropriate biological context. In vitro experiments typically include a tiny number of these -- water, ions, and sometimes a crowding agent meant to approximate everything else. Obviously missing are the myriad quinary interactions with other proteins that collectively round out the physiological solvent. The question is what experimental context best approximates that of a living human neuron under which the pathological sequence-dependent properties of polyQ manifest. We submit that a living yeast cell comes closer to that ideal than does buffer in a test tube.
The reviewer’s statements that our findings must be validated in vitro ignores the fact -- stressed in our introduction -- that decades of in vitro work have not yet generated definitive evidence for or against any specific nucleus model. In addition to the above, one major problem concerns the large sizes of in vitro systems that obscure the effects of primary nucleation. For example, a typical in vitro experimental volume of e.g. 1.5 ml is over one billion-fold larger than the femtoliter volume of a cell. This means that any nucleation-limited kinetics of relevant amyloid formation are lost, and any alternative amyloid polymorphs that have a kinetic growth advantage -- even if they nucleate at only a fraction the rate of relevant amyloid -- will tend to dominate the system (Buell, 2017). Novel approaches are clearly needed to address these problems. We present such an approach, stretch it to the limit (as the reviewer notes) across multiple complementary experiments, and arrive at a novel finding that is fully and uniquely consistent with all of our own data as well as the collective prior literature.
That the preceding considerations are collectively essential to understand relevant amyloid behavior is evident from recent cryoEM studies showing that in vitro-generated amyloid structures generally differ from those in patients (Arseni et al., 2022; Bansal et al., 2021; Radamaker et al., 2021; Schmidt et al., 2019; Schweighauser et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2022). This is highly relevant to the present discourse because each amyloid structure is thought to emanate from a different nucleating structure. This means that in vitro experiments have broadly missed the mark in terms of the relevant thermodynamic parameters that govern disease onset and progression. Note that the rules laid out via our studies are not only consistent with structural features of polyQ amyloid in cells, but also (as described in the discussion) explain why the endogenous structure of a physiologically relevant Q zipper amyloid differs from that of polyQ.
A recent collaboration between the Morimoto and Knowles groups (Sinnige et al.) investigated the kinetics of aggregation by Q40-YFP expressed in C. elegans body wall muscle cells, using quantitative approaches that have been well established for in vitro amyloid-forming systems of the type favored by the reviewer. They calculate a reaction order of just 1.6, slightly higher than what would be expected for a monomeric nucleus but nevertheless fully consistent with our own conclusions when one accounts for the following two aspects of their approach. First, the polyQ tract in their construct is flanked by short poly-Histidine tracts on both sides. These charges very likely disfavor monomeric nucleation because all possible configurations of a four-stranded bundle position the beginning and end of the Q tract in close proximity, and Q40 is only just long enough to achieve monomeric nucleation in the absence of such destabilization. Second, the protein is fused to YFP, a weak homodimer (Landgraf et al., 2012; Snapp et al., 2003). With these two considerations, our model -- which was generated from polyQ tracts lacking flanking charges or an oligomeric fusion -- predicts that amyloid nucleation by their construct will occur more frequently as a dimer than a monomer. Indeed, their observed reaction order of 1.6 supports a predominantly dimeric nucleus. Like us and others, Sinnige et al. did not observe phase separation prior to amyloid formation. This is important because it not only argues against nucleation occurring in a condensate, it also suggests that the reaction order they calculated has not been limited by the concentration-buffering effect of phase separation.
While we agree that our conclusions rest heavily on DAmFRET data (for good reason), we do provide supporting evidence from molecular dynamics simulations, SDD-AGE, and microscopy.
To summarize, given the extreme limitations of in vitro experiments in this field, the breadth of our current study, and supporting findings from another lab using rigorous quantitative approaches, we feel that our claims are justified without in vitro data.
Rebuttals to other critiques
We do not deny that flanking domains can modulate the kinetics and stability of polyQ amyloid. However, as stated and referenced in the introduction, they do not appear to change the core structure. We have also added a paragraph concerning flanking domains to the discussion, and acknowledged that “the extent to which our findings will translate in these different contexts remains to be determined.” Nevertheless, that the intrinsic behavior of the polyQ tract itself is central to pathology is evident from the fact that the nine pathologic polyQ proteins have similar length thresholds despite different functions, flanking domains, interaction partners, and expression levels.
The reviewer states that we found nucleation potential to require 60 Qs in a row. Our data are collectively consistent with nucleation occurring at and above approximately 36 Qs, a point repeated in the paper. The reviewer may be referring to our statement, ”Sixty residues proved to be the optimum length to observe both the pre- and post-nucleated states of polyQ in single experiments”. The purpose of this statement is simply to describe the practical consideration that led us to use 60 Qs for the bulk of our assays. We do appreciate that the fraction of AmFRET-positive cells is very low for lengths just above the threshold, especially Q40. They are nevertheless highly significant (p = 0.004 in [PIN+] cells, one-tailed T-test), and we have modified the figure and text to clarify this.
The reviewer characterizes self-poisoning as the hallmark of crystallization from polymer melts, which would be problematic for our conclusions if self-poisoning were limited to this non-physiological context. In fact the term was first used to describe crystallization from solution (Organ et al., 1989), wherein the phenomenon is more pronounced (Ungar et al., 2005).
Response to Reviewer 2
We thank the reviewer for their detailed and helpful critique.
The reviewer correctly notes that the majority of our manipulations were conducted with 60-residue long tracts (which corresponds to disease onset in early adulthood), and this length facilitates intramolecular nucleation. However, we also analyzed a length series of polyQ spanning the pathological threshold, as well as a synthetic sequence designed explicitly to test the model nucleus structure with a tract shorter than the pathological threshold, and both experiments corroborate our findings.
The reviewer mentions “several caveats” that come with our result, but their subsequent elaboration suggests they are to be interpreted more as considerations than caveats. We agree that increasing sequence complexity will tend to increase homogeneity, but this is exactly the motivation of our approach. We explicitly set out to determine the minimal complexity sequence sufficient to specify the nucleating conformation, which we ultimately identified in terms of secondary and tertiary structure. We do not specify which parts of a long polyQ tract correspond to which parts of the structure, because, as the reviewer points out, they can occur at many places. Hence, depending on the length of the polyQ tract, the nucleus we describe may have any length of sequence connecting the strand elements. We do not think that the effects of N-residue placement can be interpreted as a confounding influence on hairpin position because the striking even-odd pattern we observe implicates the sides of beta strands rather than the lengths. Moreover, we observe this pattern regardless of the residue used (Gly, Ser, Ala, and His in addition to Asn).
We thank the reviewer for noting the novelty and plausibility of the self-poisoning connection. We would like to elaborate on our finding that self-poisoning inhibits nucleation (in addition to elongation), as this will be confusing to many readers. While self-poisoning is claimed to inhibit primary nucleation in the polymer crystal literature (Ungar et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2018), the semantics of “nucleation” in this context warrants clarification. Technically, the same structure can be considered a nucleus in one context but not in another. The Q zipper monomer, even if it is rate-limiting for amyloid formation at low concentrations (and is therefore the “nucleus”), is not necessarily rate-limiting when self-poisoned at high concentrations. Whether it comprises the nucleus in this case depends on the rates of Q zipper formation relative to subunit addition to the poisoned state. If the latter happens slower than Q zipper formation de novo, it can be said that self-poisoning inhibits nucleation, regardless of whether the Q zipper formed. We suspect this to be the mechanism by which preemptive oligomerization blocks nucleation in the case of polyQ, though other mechanisms may be possible.
We believe the revised text also now incorporates the remaining suggestions of this reviewer, with two exceptions. 1) We retain the phrase “hidden pattern”, because we believe our data argue for a nucleus whose formation requires that Qs occur in a pattern that we now elaborate as (QXQXQX>3)4 where X>3 denotes any length of three or more residues of any composition. In amyloids formed from long polyQ molecules, the nucleus will involve any subset of 12 Qs that match this pattern. 2) We decided not to re-order the mansucript to discuss self-poisoning after establishing the monomer nucleus (even though we agree that doing so would improve the logical flow) because the interpretation of the data with respect to self-poisoning helps to establish critical strand lengths, and self-poisoning creates an anomaly in the DAmFRET data that is difficult to ignore. We add text clarifying that high local concentrations “effectively shifts the rate-limiting step to the growth of a higher order relatively-disordered species”.
Response to Reviewer 3
We thank the reviewer for their helpful comments.
We opted to retain Figures 1A and B because we think they are important for comprehending the subject and objectives of the study. We modified the former to attempt to make it more clear. We have also elaborated on DAmFRET as it is a relatively new approach that may be unfamiliar to many readers. Beyond this, we refer the reviewer and readers to our cited prior work describing the theory and interpretation of DAmFRET. Note that the y-axes of DAmFRET plots are not raw FRET but rather “AmFRET”, a ratio of FRET to total expression level. As explained thoroughly in our cited prior work, the discontinuity of AmFRET with expression level indicates that the high AmFRET-population formed via a disorder-to-order transition. When the query protein is predicted to be intrinsically disordered, the discontinuous transition to high AmFRET invariably (among hundreds of proteins tested in prior published and unpublished work) signifies amyloid formation as corroborated by SDD-AGE and tinctorial assays.
When performed using standard flow cytometry as in the present study, every AmFRET measurement corresponds to a cell-wide average, and hence does not directly inform on the distribution of the protein between different stoichiometric species. As there is only one fluorophore per protein molecule, monomeric nuclei have no signal. DAmFRET can distinguish cells expressing monomers from stable dimers from higher order oligomers (see e.g. Venkatesan et al. 2019), and we are therefore quite confident that AmFRET values of zero correspond to cells in which a vast majority of the respective protein is not in homo-oligomeric species (i.e. is monomeric or in hetero-complexes with endogenous proteins). The exact value of AmFRET, even for species with the same stoichiometry, will depend both on the effect of their respective geometries on the proximity of mEos3.1 fluorophores, and on the fraction of protein molecules in the species. Hence, we only attempt to interpret the plateau values of AmFRET (where the fraction of protein in an assembled state approaches unity) as directly informing on structure, as we did in Fig. S3A.
We believe that AmFRET decreases with longer polyQ because the mass fraction of fluorophore decreases in the aggregate, simply because the extra polypeptide takes up volume in the aggregate.
Yes, the fraction of positive cells in a discontinuous DAmFRET plot does increase with time. However, given the more laborious data collection and derivation of nucleation kinetics in a system with ongoing translation, especially across hundreds of experiments with other variables, ours is a snapshot measurement to approximately derive the relative contributions of intra- and intermolecular fluctuations to the nucleation barrier, rather than the barrier’s magnitude.
We have revised the tautological statement by removing “non-amyloid containing”.
Concerning the correlation of our data with the pathological length threshold -- as we state in the first results section, “Our data recapitulated the pathologic threshold -- Q lengths 35 and shorter lacked AmFRET, indicating a failure to aggregate or even appreciably oligomerize, while Q lengths 40 and longer did acquire AmFRET in a length and concentration-dependent manner”. Hence, most of our experiments were conducted with 60Q not because it resembles the pathological threshold, but rather because it was most convenient for DAmFRET experiments.
Self-poisoning is a widely observed and heavily studied phenomenon in polymer crystal physics, though it seems not yet to have entered the lexicon of amyloid biologists. We were new to this concept before it emerged as an extremely parsimonious explanation for our results. As described in the text, two pieces of evidence exclude the alternative mechanism suggested by the reviewer -- that non-structured oligomers form and subsequently engage and inhibit the template. Specifically, 1) inhibition occurs without any detectable FRET, even at high total protein concentration, indicating the species do not form in a concentration-dependent manner that would be expected of disordered oligomers; and 2) inhibition itself has strict sequence requirements that match those of Q zippers. Hence our data collectively suggest that inhibition is a consequence of the deposition of partially ordered molecules onto the templating surface.
We have softened the subheading and text of the relevant section in the discussion to more clearly indicate the speculative nature of our statements concerning the possible role of self-poisoned oligomers in toxicity.
We stand by our statement 'that kinetically arrested aggregates emerge from the same nucleating event responsible for amyloid formation', as this follows directly from self-poisoning.
Regarding the arguments for lateral and axial growth, we agree that the data are indirect. However, that polyQ forms lamellar amyloids both in vitro and in vivo is now established, so we do not feel it necessary to rigorously show that here. Nevertheless, we need to include this section primarily because it introduces the fact that ordering in polyQ amyloid occurs in the lateral as well as axial dimensions, and the onset of lateral ordering (lamellar growth) explains the very different behaviors of QU and QB sequences apparent on the DAmFRET plots. Ultimately, the two dimensions of growth are important to understand self-poisoning and maturation of the short nucleating zipper to amyloid.
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